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Resolutions endanger our health and our future

Letter: Resolutions endanger our health and our future
11:41 a.m. EST December 4, 2015

As a member of Physicians for Social Responsibility, I find it essential if future human life is to continue, it is essential to oppose Congressional Review Act resolutions of disapproval (SJ Res. 23 and 24) that would permanently block EPA’s Clean Power Plan.

These resolutions endanger our health and the future of our children. If we don’t take action to reduce climate-damaging carbon pollution, we will live in a world where increased heat waves, droughts, intense storms, rising sea levels and damage to food and water supplies become more and more common. These proposals will cost much more in the long run, than any short term savings they might achieve? Furthermore, the Clean Power Plan engages the states to develop their own plans to reduce carbon pollution. It is expected to combat climate change and help clear the air, preventing nearly 3,000 premature deaths and more than a hundred thousand asthma attacks per year by 2030.

Since President Obama just participated in the Paris international conference on climate change, shouldn’t we oppose these resolutions that not only put the health of our children and families at risk, but in the long run threaten the future of our species?

Lew Patrie, M. D., Asheville

Mission Statement

PREVENTING WHAT WE CANNOT CURE: Physicians for Social Responsibility is the medical and public health voice working to prevent the use or spread of nuclear weapons and to slow, stop and reverse global warming and the toxic degradation of the environment.