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Welcome to WNCPSR

The Western North Carolina Chapter of Physicians for Social Responsibility is opposed to nuclear power. Nuclear power facilitates the creation of nuclear weapons. Nuclear power plants produce long-lived radioactive waste with no safe disposal, contributing to the toxic degradation of the environment. The whole nuclear power fuel cycle, from uranium mining to radioactive waste, threatens human health.


July 18, 2024
PSR: Not Just for Physicians 

 IPPNW (International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War) was established, with PSR as an affiliate, in 1980.  This was as the realization sunk in that in a nuclear catastrophe people would turn to a medical community that would have nothing to offer. There could be no adequate response to the devastation that would be unleashed. 

Whole cities would be gone. In areas not directly devastated by a nuclear blast, thousands of burned,  broken, and distraught victims would come pouring in, searching for help that will not be available. Power grids would be destroyed, water systems gone, highways damaged and jammed with disabled vehicles. Any needed supplies would be quickly depleted, and civic functioning would collapse. 

International physicians realized that people would turn to them expecting help, but it would be too late. The only option was to stop the arms race and ban nuclear weapons. 

PSR was started by physicians, but our group includes as many members outside the medical community as we have in it. Our goal is to engage every thinking person in the fight to free us from the threat of nuclear annihilation. We join hands with many other groups in the work ahead.

One important goal was reached when the UN General Assembly ratified the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. They are now officially illegal under international law. The nuclear armed nations have so far refused to recognize the treaty, but we continue to work on pulling back from the brink. Here’s how you can help:

    Contact our senators and your representative by e-mail or through the Washington Switchboard (202) 224-3121* and ask them to support the Back from the Brink call to Prevent Nuclear War by:

  • renouncing the option of first use of nuclear weapons
  • ending the sole, unchecked authority of any leader to launch a nuclear attack
  • taking US nuclear weapons off hair-trigger alert
  • cancelling plans to enhance our entire nuclear arsenal
  • actively supporting verifiable nuclear arms agreements among nuclear states

Ask your representative to sign on as a co-sponsor of HR 77 which calls on the US to lead a global effort to prevent nuclear war.

For more information:

The Back from the Brink website: https//prevent nuclear war or The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons Website: or

Brita Larsen Clark
Chairwoman, WNCPSR  

* If you forgot their names, the switchboard person will help you.


The Western North Carolina Chapter of Physicians for Social Responsibility is a long standing group of concerned citizens including physicians. We invite you to come to our monthly meetings as posted on this website, to help determine policy and to plan educational programs and events.


The Western North Carolina Chapter of Physicians for Social Responsibility meets on the third Friday of each month.

See Events for Current Meeting Location and Information


New chapter officers April 19, 2024

Brita Clark, Chairman
Terry Clark MD, Vice Chairman, Secretary
Bert Crain,MD, Treasurer


We welcome your help as we work on the survivor-ship nuclear and environmental issues of our time.

Mission Statement

PREVENTING WHAT WE CANNOT CURE: Physicians for Social Responsibility is the medical and public health voice working to prevent the use or spread of nuclear weapons and to slow, stop and reverse global warming and the toxic degradation of the environment.