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“HEAT ADVISORY: Protecting Health on a Warming Planet”

When Sep 26, 2016
from 05:15 PM to 07:00 PM
Where The Collider, downtown Asheville, NC
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Presentation by Alan Lockwood, M.D., FAAN
Emeritus Professor of Neurology and Nuclear Medicine,
Buffalo University,
Senior Scientist and former President, Physicians for Social Responsibility
Location:  The Collider, 1 Haywood Street
                   Downtown Asheville
Date:   Monday, September 26, 2016
Time:   Hor d’oeuvres:       5:15 - 6:00 PM
             Presentation:          6:00 - 7:00 PM
Sponsor and host: The Collider
Co-sponsors: Western NC Chapter Physicians for Social Responsibility (WNCPSR)
Mountain Area Health Education Center (MAHEC)

Access to the building: for this event is through the glass door facing Patton Avenue, a couple of steps around the corner from the ATM machine. There will be someone there to let in attendees from 5:00 to just after 6:00 PM
This event is free and open to the public.

Climate change affects not just the planet but the people who live on it. Dr. Lockwood will address how global warming impacts health including the medical consequences of heat waves and increased risk for certain infectious diseases such as malaria, West Nile Disease, Lyme Disease and Zika virus. He will address how we will need to adapt to a warmer climate and what we can do to prevent global warming.

The event is hosted and sponsored by The Collider and co-sponsored WNCPSR and MAHEC, the leader in regional medical education.   WNCPSR is pleased to be collaborating with The Collider and MAHEC in hosting Dr. Lockwood’s presentation. The Collider is a non-advocacy, non-partisan and non-profit business, cowork, educational business, educational and event space focused on accelerating the climate services enterprise. It is located in the newly renovated top floor of the Wells Fargo building at 1 Haywood Street in downtown Asheville.

We hope you are able to attend Dr. Lockwood’s presentation at The Collider.

Mission Statement

PREVENTING WHAT WE CANNOT CURE: Physicians for Social Responsibility is the medical and public health voice working to prevent the use or spread of nuclear weapons and to slow, stop and reverse global warming and the toxic degradation of the environment.

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