The meeting opened with a remembrance for Dr. Ed Dunn, whose obituary was circulated.
1. Present: Leah Karpen, Lew Patrie, John Joyner, Stan Dienst, Tim Takaro, Pete Sutherland, Don Richardson
2. Minutes from 10-16-07 accepted as written
3. Treasurer's Report: John Joyner reported a total of $2434.14, with an outstanding debt of $444.00, and we are holding $565 for CSNC, leaving a net balance of $1425.14.
--CSNC met at the UU church on 10-19-07, details unavailable
--Meeting (Hutchinson) Nov. 30 7-9 PM, showing of "Party For Peace," (Lew, fill in details)
--Leah announced Mars Hill Rotary meeting, Dec 5, "Health Effects of Global Warming,"
a powerpoint from Catherine Thomasson given to Stan Dienst
5. Discussion about future meeting sites of WNCPSR. MAHEC location expensive and rooms not always available.
-- Leah Karpen suggested a program instead of the usual business meeting,
such as showing the film "No End In Sight," to increase attendance. Pete Sutherland will get a copy of the film and pass to Lew or Leah for preview. Could be held at MAHEC in January, details to be discussed at next meeting.
-- Pete Sutherland noted that Channel 20 does call-in TV shows of meeting such as ours, and could increase interest.
--Stan Dienst said we should stick to the nuclear issues as global warming is now being widely covered.
6. Discussion about our WNCPSR website
--Stan Dienst said we have an opportunity to improve and update our website. Totsie Marine has offered us a great discount from $2600 to $1000 (plus $240 annual fee) and would teach two members how to do websites. Stan offered to underwrite $500.00 toward this effort. Stan, Don and Pete interested in the tutorial at Totsie's office.
--After much discussion it was agreed to go forth with this project, which can be canceled if it proves unsuccessful.
7. Don Richardson reported briefly on the national board meeting of Nov. 7-9. He had an opportunity to speak with reps of both NC senators and Heath Shuler on nuclear and
global warming issues. He reported that Executive Director Michael McCally has announced he will retire at the end of next year, so a new search is on for E. D. Financial
position of national was improved by several large gifts but we are still stressed.
8. Leah Karpen announced the next meeting, which will be a potluck dinner at the Patries'
home on Dec 13 at 5:30 PM. All are asked to bring a personal item important to his/her life and explain its significance: SHOW AND TELL!
9. The January meeting is scheduled for the 15th, time and place TBA.
The meeting was adjourned at 2:15 PM
Don R, Secretary pro tem