Minutes of WNCPSR meeting, August 19, 2008, UU Church, Room 4
Present: Leah Karpen, John Joyner, Tim Takaro, Stan Dienst, Lew Patrie, Don Richardson
We sadly noted that Stan’s sister died; he will be leaving for her service in California shortly.
A copy of the fine January ‘08 Scientific American article "Solar Grand Plan" was circulated.
The minutes of the July 15, 2008 meeting were approved as read.
Treasurer's report: John Joyner reported that our net WNCPSR balance is $570.18. [$900 went to Intl. Humanities Ctr.(No More Victims, Asheville - for Rusul’s care for Iraqi War inflicted wounds. Her injured foot has been amputated at Shriners Hosp.; she is awaiting a prosthesis.); $200 for WNCPSR’S & $305 for CS@NC’s EXPO registrations, leaving $260 we are still holding for CS@NC]. We are unusually lean & will need to fundraise again soon.
Lew Patrie reviewed recent events: see notes of last meeting.
• PROGRAM: Leah provided & Stan projected ‘Brave Nation’ DVD (Bonny Raitt, Dolores Huerta). Stan also distributed copies of Climate of Hope which he presented to the meeting last month.
• ANNOUNCEMENTS: Re last night’s CS@NC mtg., Lew told of proposed ordinance to discourage transport of high level nuclear materials through AVL. Next CS@NC mtg. to be 9/8.
Lew also updated AVL’s progress re Mayors' Antinuclear Proclamation “Cities are not Targets”
September 10 at 6:00 PM - Leah will show NUCLEAR WEAPONS AND THE HUMAN FUTURE to her congregation at Beth Ha-Tephila Congregation, 43 N Liberty St (at Broad St), Asheville on Attendance & discussion by WNCPSR members, as we are cosponsors. Bring your own supper.
9/15 - World Affairs Council pgm on abolition of cluster bombs.
10/4 to 12 - Keep Space for Peace Week See: http://www.space4peace.org
Lew, with Paul Magnarella, Chair, WWC Peace Studies, is planning program for W. W. students.
• ACTION ITEMS: We finished plans for 8/22 to 24 Southern Energy & Enviro. EXPO exhibit with NIRS & CS@NC, including volunteer schedule, setting up & taking down & Stan’s narrated CD program on the life cycle of nuclear power from mining to waste mgt. and its connection with nuclear weapons*. We’ll seek 100s of signers for our Postcard Project (started with distribution to PSR members) mailing postcards to candidates Obama, McCain & 2 others, stressing phasing out nuclear weapons, as we approach a critical Nonproliferation Treaty conference.
We discussed Iran situation & concern re ? of US backed Israeli attack with dire consequences.
Tim cited Lew’s recent Op-Ed in AVL Citizen-Times. Don had similar one in Transylvania Times.
The meeting adjourned at 2:00 PM. Next WNCPSR meeting to be 9-15-08; same time & place.
* Following this Stan previewed his 11 min. EXPO program, to be run continuously at the EXPO.
Don Richardson, Acting Secretary