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June 22, 2012


PRESENT: Dot Sulock, Phil Bisesi, Terry and Brita Clark, Lew Patrie, Don Richardson,     Steve and Beth Gilman, the lost and late Stan Dienst, and new participant Dr. Joe Bell, retired anesthesiologist of of Franklin, NC. Introductions were made all around to acquaint Joe Bell with our members.

MINUTES of the May meeting were read by Brita and passed as written.

TREASURER'S REPORT: In absentia John Joyner reported no change from last     month's report.


Dot Sulock, professor at UNCA, was present to discuss a new teaching proposal on our nuclear dilemma for the College of Seniors, one of several courses she has conducted over past years. She has submitted a proposal for the fall and winter terms at UNCA, a course which entails 2 hours a week for eight weeks, for seniors, taught at a layman's level to ensure comprehension. Title: Nuclear Power, Nuclear Weapons and Nuclear Terrorism. Given Dot's already heavy teaching load, Don volunteered to teach the course, using materials provided by Dot from her course for undergraduates, and other materials as needed. Our available films, for instance Last Best Chance and others, could be utilized. National PSR could also provide teaching materials.

In the absence of Bob Howarth, discussion of the film THRIVE, shown at his and Irma's home recently, will be postponed until the July meeting.

The Southern Green Living Expo, set for September 14-16, was discussed. Terry has 4 badges for staff permit entry into exhibits. We provide a table and chairs for the 8 x 10 foot booth; drapes are provided. The badges can be transferred to others of us spelling members at the booth. A committee for planning our participation will include Brita, Mary Olson, Stan and Phil, whose meeting is tba.

Fracking: Stan said that Governor Perdue has until Monday, June 25, to veto a very bad bill which essentially gives the gas industry carte blanche to drill without restrictions, with no regard for environmental and social damages. Lew will notify our email list to call re S. 820 to the Governor's office by Monday opposing this bill. So far the Senate has voted 29-15 for it and the House 66-43, not enough to override a veto!

Good news and an environmental victory was announced: The New York Court of Appeals threw out the NRC's "waste confidence decision," meaning it is no longer satisfactory for NRC to continue licensing plants stating that on-site storage will not be forever, that off-site storage is feasible and might be accomplished "some day."  The court rejected this nebulous response.

Terry reported re the coal ash problem that the disposition of coal ash, in an  amendment to the Transportation Bill, has bogged down in partisan bickering.
The coal industry wants the EPA to have no jusrisdiction over coal ash!

Don reported that Lou Zeller of the Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League (BREDL) plans to have a meeting with Senator Hagan or her office on the issue of MOX fuel some time this summer, tba, and invited WNCPSR to participate. It was agreed that several of us will join Lou in this meeting. Don will contact Lou.

Don will also try to set up another round of meetings with our federal legislators, possibly difficult to do during the peak summer months.

Don referred a sign-on letter from  PSR E.D. Catherine Thomasson to E.P.A. re the toxic herbicide 2,4-D, and Terry has signed on for WNCPSR.

Lew announced a Move to Amend meeting for July 7, 7-9 PM at the UU church,  asking the Asheville City Council to request the state legislature in Raleigh to  pass the Move to Amend resolution recently endorsed by the Council. Lew suggested having street demonstrations which might include such events as a puppet show. Don will broach the subject with a friend who is a master puppeteer. A script will be needed from you writers out there, covering the key talking points against the SCOTUS's ill-advised Citizens United decision.

Next meeting is  Friday, July 20, noon for lunch and 12:30 business, at Gilmans'.

The meeting was adjourned promptly at 2:00 PM, Leah Karpen please note.

Don Richardson, Irradiated Secretary