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November 9, 2012

Western North Carolina (WNC) Physicians for Social Responsibility (PSR)
Minutes of Steering Committee meeting on Friday, Nov. 9, 2012

Present: Phillip Bisesi, Dr. Terry Clark,  Brad Dienst, Dr. Stan Dienst, Steve Gilman, Bob Howarth, Dr. John Joyner III, Dr. Lew Patrie, Dr. Don Richardson

The meeting began at 12:30 PM, and the minutes of the Oct. 21, 2012 WNC PSR meeting were discussed.

Treasurer’s report: John reported a WNC PSR chapter balance of $1,861.58.



1. Discussion regarding having a Christmas party. There was consensus to have the party at the home of Bob and Irma Howarth, starting at 4:30pm on Sat. Dec 8. Additional details will be sent to us.

2. There was consensus to have our next WNC PSR steering committee meeting on Fri. Jan. 18 (lunch at noon, meeting 12:30 – 2:00pm). This is the 3rd Friday in January. There will be no meeting in Dec. 2012; instead we will have a festive party on Dec. 8.

3. We have about 200 signatures regarding the stop CWIP petition that was circulated at our Green Living Expo Booth. Bill Gupton was mentioned as a specific source re CWIP follow-up. Terry will research options regarding what to do with this petition.

4. There was discussion regarding the showing of the video exposure "9/11: Explosive Evidence - - Experts Speak Out" to be shown Nov. 17, 2012 at Translvania Public Library.

5. The balance of the meeting addressed activities and responsibilities for our event at the Asheville-JCC on Mon. Dec. 3 featuring Dr. Ira Helfand.  

a. Review the long and short flyers. Develop a consensus on steps to complete anything outstanding; Steve will finalize with Terry.

b. Reconfirm our message regarding what a potential co-sponsor organization does; communicate the event with co-sponsor members.

c. Review publicity status. Who has been contacted? Terry will collect co-sponsors.

d. Are there other organizations we should request co-sponsorship with? This is ongoing.

e. Do we want Ira Helfand to be interviewed on radio, and if so, what follow-up is recommended? Lew will investigate radio.

f. How do we publicize our co-sponsors? Steve will make a flier with co-sponsors to be handed out at event. Also, we will communicate co-sponsors on our site.

g. Review details of what we plan to do the day of the event (e.g., name tags, refreshments). Terry, Lew and Steve will collaborate.

h. Review the agenda for the event as well as who volunteers to do what. Steve and Terry to collaborate and finalize.

i. Update on our responsibilities with the JCC as well as any outstanding requests (e.g., pay for coffee or overhead). Steve will follow up with JCC to finalize additional options (coffee & hot water urns, microphone, projection screen, newsletter publicity).

j. Follow-up with Ira Helfand. Steve will finalize all communications with Ira (travel arrangements, getting to/from JCC, agenda for event, etc.)

Next meeting: 12 noon Friday, Jan. 18, 2013 at the home of Steve and Beth Gilman (18 Birchwood Lane, Asheville).

Submitted by Steve Gilman, WNC PSR chapter secretary

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