Minutes of WNCPSR Meeting, February 17, 2012
Home of Beth & Steve Gilman
Present: Steve Gilman, Terry & Brita Clark, Lew Patrie, Laura Sorensen, Stan Dienst, Mary Olson, John Joyner, Don RichardsonTerry Clark opened the meeting at 12:30 sharp.Minutes of the January meeting were approved as read by Chairman Clark.
John Joyner reported our present balance as $1055.31. He has filed with the IRS.
Stan alerted us to a CNN program, "Nuclear Standoff," to be aired on Sunday, February 19 at 6 PM. Stan provided DVDs of the Frontline program on Fukushima and Indian Point to all attendees.
Laura discussed her organization SAFE (Safe Alternatives for Future Energy). Last night's meeting at the West Asheville Public Library had 15 in attendance to hear Lou Zeller of the Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League (BREDL) discuss activities of his organization. Laura said the final draft of the proposed two Lee reactors near Gaffney, S.C. will be out in October. Water is a major issue there. Some $600 million has already been spent on construction work in progress (CWIP). Laura passed out two information sheets re the Lee project.
Lew was commended for the successful and unanimous endorsement of his Move to Amend proposal by the Asheville City Council. Don will offer a similar resolution to the Brevard City Council, and Peggy Guy will do the same in Hendersonville.
Steve Gilman reported on his national board experience. He appears to be overextended, with activity on the fundraising committee, and appointments to the audit committee, the social justice committee, and possibly the anti-nuclear committee. Resuscitative efforts needed.
Mary circulated a flyer re the March 11 trip to the Georgia Vogtle nuclear plant, where NRC has approved construction of reactors 3 and 4, the first license granted in 39 years. No action until federal court rules on the AP 1000 design. The license will be challenged by us and other groups including S.A.C.E. It was felt that this would not undercut local efforts to commemorate the first anniversary of Fukushima. Mary discussed the logistics of the bus trip, costs, etc. Several $100 sponsors are needed. The bus company needs funds two weeks ahead. Laura is considering a Fukushima march on March 10, Saturday, which would allow some marchers to join the Vogtle bus trip on Sunday. Brita moved we provide $400 security for the bus, via Terry's credit card. Passed. Mary will do a promo piece for the bus.
Lew reported on the February coal ash program at Posana on March 16: a packed house, with the Greenpeace banner team in attendance. Terry will consult with Hartwell Carson and work with national on this issue. LTEs needed. Terry will do an op-ed. Groundwater studies need; to date documented data are poor.
DEADLINE for a PSR chapter grant is March 2. Could be applied to our coal ash efforts. Steve showed a copy of the Grant Application. National would pay for this. Another possible application would be a workshop on nuclear power/weapons. John, Terry and Lew will work on a grant application.
Mary noted an educational opportunity offered by Marj Plumb, UCSF, on "Reach the Decision Makers" at EPA re reproductive environmental health issues. More information pending via Terry.
NOTE that the national PSR office is moving to 1111 14th Street, Suite 700, Washington, D.C. 20005 (In the heart of the lobbying beasts).
The meeting was adjourned at 2 PM.
Next meeting is March 16 at noon, Gilmans' home.
Don Richardson, Secretary Emeritus