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August 24, 2012

Revised, Sept. 21,2012

Steve Gilman, Lew Patrie, Stan Dienst, Bob Howarth, Don Richardson, Terry Clark, Mary Olson and Phil Bisesi.

At 11:50 AM there was a meeting of the Southern Expo Committee, chaired by Terry Clark, with discussion of plans for WNCPSR participation. Electric cost is $25/day. Mary noted that Bill Gupton is head of Consumers vs. Rate Hikes, a coalition of non-profits, and we can join their effort.

Discussion of postcards or petitions and related materials at our booth, such as handwritten notes for those willing to do so. Agreed on one hand-out for people to take home and act on. Phil will create a poster display and reimburse Don for the cost ($36), possibly from WNCPSR treasury. Terry will email further details for addition to these minutes. Lew will provide the existing WNCPSR banner. Terry  added that Brita has artistic skills and can make additional banners gratis. Stan showed a 12 slide power-point program, "Steps to Safety," on nuclear weapons that we will show at the EXPO.  Next EXPO committee meeting scheduled at Earth Fare, 11:30 AM on August 31.

THE REGULAR WNCPSR MEETING was opened by Chairman Clark at 12:37 PM.

TREASURER John Joyner, again in absentia, reported that the balance remains unchanged at $1747.81

Mary Olson read the minutes of the July meeting. There was discussion regarding recording of  minutes. Don submitted his resignation as secretary.  Mary made a motion to recognize Don's years of service, which was passed.

Steve made a motion that future minutes should be approved by present  members before being placed on the website. Passed after discussion. Don will complete today's minutes and submit them to Terry, who will then get approval from the board and pass them to Totsie Marine for installation on our website.

New business:
Bob Howarth noted a recent report on the shutdown of the Y-12 bomb plant by an 82 y/o nun with wire cutters, an indication of the level of security at some nuclear facilities. (NCR is National Catholic Reporter).

Mary had to leave early and was unable to cover the agenda item on nuclear waste disposal from NIRS. 

Several reported on our meeting with John Mitchell of Senator Burr's Asheville office, at 2PM on Monday, August 13, in which we discussed nuclear issues, fracking and the Citizens United Supreme Court decision. Phil, Lew, Don and Terry attended.

We have a meeting scheduled with Chad Eaton and Freddie Harrill for this coming Monday, 8/27, during which we will allot 5 minutes each for our points:
--Terry will cover the coal ash issue
-- Don will discuss MOX fuel issues
-- Lew will update status of Citizens United
-- Bob will report on fracking issues
-- Phil will make an appeal for human rights and civil rights

Lew noted that our website needs updating with more current issues and should include the date of the upcoming monthly meeting so interested parties can come. Stan will review this.

Steve reported on the National PSR scene. Ira Helfand is interested in coming to Asheville for one or two presentations depicting the long term human consequences of a localized nuclear attack. Steve has had trouble connecting with Dot Sulock on this. Mary will get together with Dot and Lew will help.

Noted was that the IPPNW Convention is now taking place in Japan.

National PSR is interested in contacting 25 year PSR members for a possible article. Lew, Stan, Terry and John qualify, and possibly Don. Terry will work with Lew to create a list of 25 year members.

Lew reported on the Bele Chere effort to get signatures for a Move to Amend effort to remove the Supreme Court edict on corporate personhood:  675 signatures!   
A new Secretary will either volunteer or be appointed by Chairman Terry Clark for the September meeting.

The meeting was adjourned at 2:15 PM

Don Richardson, Secretary Emeritus

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