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September 21, 2012

Minutes: steering committee meeting September 21, 2012


Present: Terry Clark, Brita Clark, Stan Dienst, Steve Gilman, Lew Patrie


The meeting began at 12:30 PM

The minutes of the August meeting were read, reviewed and approved as revised by Dr. Clark.

Brita agreed to take minutes for today’s meeting.


Treasurer’s report: John Joyner sent a notice that he would not be able to attend today’s meeting. The reported balance last meeting was $1747.81. Members with expenses relating to the So. Green Expo booth should submit them to Dr. Joyner.



We discussed PSR National request for identification of the members who have belonged to PSR for 25 or more years. Lew and Terry will get together and create a list.


The Southern Green Expo booth was successful in gathering signatures on our petition re CWIP. It also provided us opportunities to speak with people about our group and about nuclear power as a public health issue.

We had good group participation. Thanks to all who helped with this event.



  1. HR 3409; a bill before the house to roll back environmental safeguards to our air and water, is once again is up for a vote . Members are urged to call Rep. Shuler and urge him to vote no. Terry will email candidates Rogers and Meadows to clarify their views on 3409 and present the PSR position as of importance to public health.

  2. Lew would like the group to consider a showing of the film “Knocking On The Devil’s Door”, a video about the extreme danger of nuclear weapons. At over two hours long we agreed it would be too long for most people. Stan volunteered to review it and perhaps edit it to a more manageable length.

The group agreed, with the thought that perhaps we can show it at the UU church in Asheville.

  1. Steve reported meeting Ira Helfand at the PSR National board meeting. He was impressed with Dr. Helfand’s presentation on the consequences of nuclear war, and suggested that we invite him to speak here. The group agreed and asked Steve to contact him with an invitation for early December.

  2. Terry informed the group of an on-line discussion set for Wed. Sept. 26 on the subject of public perception on nuclear weapons. One can preregister and join the discussion at 4:00 PM at

  3. The issue of a replacement secretary was discussed. After some thought, Steve volunteered to take on that role, including helping Terry get out an agenda in advance so people who want to add items can do so before the actual meeting. His offer was gratefully accepted. We also moved to reimburse Stan, who will buy a flip chart and easel to use at meetings. Thanks were extended to Don Richardson for his service as secretary in the past.

    The Steering Committee will hold a fall retreat at the Clark’s house October 26.

    The meeting ended with Steve sharing a brief video on the IPPNW conference in Japan.


    Next meeting: Friday, October 19, 2012. Noon, at Gilman’s house.

    Submitted by Brita Clark, temp. sec.