National PSR Board of Directors Conference
Start: Thursday, March 29, 2012
Finish: Saturday, March 31, 2012
Thursday, 3/29/2012
Optional lobbying events occurred in the morning and through the afternoon. Most board members did not participate in the lobbying. For those board members not lobbying, like me, there was an opportunity to network with other board members. I was actively networking with other board members throughout this conference.
In the evening the following agenda items were addressed and discussed:
- That life on Earth is precious, powerful and vulnerable;
- That human life draws vital sustenance and coherence from the ecological and social systems in which it participates;
- That the acquisition and application of scientific knowledge imposes the responsibility to protect life, not to endanger or destroy it;
- That knowledge about global threats results from experience and scientific study including modeling and simulation, which inherently contain uncertainty;
- That the necessary decisions based on such uncertainties must be evaluated in settings open to public review, so that the best possible approaches can be achieved;
- That citizens have a right to informed participation in such decision-making processes made by both government and industry which affect their health, welfare and environment; and
- That our commitment to future generations requires that problems of violence and militarism, global environmental degradation and social and economic inequities be addressed now and not be left as a toxic legacy to be solved by those who follow us.
Major Goals of this Conference:
1. Engage Board members more deeply in fundraising and membership recruitment
2. Introduce cross-program strategies for skills development and member recruitment
3. Review and formally accept 2012 Audited Financial Statement
4. Increase development of shared program work between chapters and national
Discussion of Climate and Health led by Nathan Wilcox of Environment America
Key take-away: focus on small battles instead of the “whole enchilada.” For example –
1. Instead of lobbying to eliminate all nuclear weapons, focus on reducing the numbers. 2. If target audience does not support climate change science, focus on lower pollution.
3. Consider focusing on state controls instead of waiting for federal controls.
Other items were discussed, and the day’s meetings ended at about 9:15pm.
Friday, 3/30/2012(from 7:30am to 9:15pm)
New Member Orientation
1. Education regarding board member use of web site
2. Fundraising responsibilities
3. Organizational structure
Seven of PSR’s ten goals addressed
GOAL #5 - Management and Finances
PSR is utilizing non-profit best practices for its financial management. I have additional documentation for anyone interested. Utilizing these best practices, PSR is in a fundamentally solid financial position and significantly better than this time last year.
GOAL #1 – Security
1. SANE ACT (78 in House support this act)
2. Reduction in nuclear weapons and military spending
Chapter as well as non-chapter staff call-in. Integrates national staff, chapter staff and other PSR individuals not aligned with a chapter
GOAL #2 – Environment & Health
1. Strategic Toxics ONE PSR planning
2. Highlight Coal Ash and Institute (Obama EPA announcement)
3. Fracking position (recommend state action until EPA develops standards)
GOAL #3 – Website and Communications
1. Keeping PSR website current
2. Assist PSR chapters and others to connect with experts
GOAL #8 – Safe Energy
Prevent construction of any new nuclear power plants in the US. Current law (Title XVII Loan Guarantee Program) authorizes guarantees up to $18.5 billion for new nuclear reactors. This federal loan guarantee program only covers 80% of construction costs. The other 20% comes from a program called Advanced Cost Recovery or Construction Work in Progress (CWIP). CWIP gives utility companies the right to charge their customers the cost of building nuclear reactors as they are being built (via utility rate increases). If CWIP laws were eliminated, the nuclear renaissance would be permanently ended.
- 50th Anniversary Campaign (Goal of raising an additional $1M)
- Development strategy (Grants - $115,000 in 2011)
- Personal board pages (WNC/PSR is published under PSR.ORG)
National PSR Board of Directors Conference
Saturday, 3/31/2012(from 8:00am to 1:15pm)
GOAL # 10 – Social Justice
1. Social costs of MILITARY SPENDING
2. Martin Donohoe’s PowerPoints (Public Health and Social Justice
3. Collaborative work with other organizations via webinars and published papers
GOAL # 9 – Student PSR (medical student outreach program)
GOAL # 6 – Leadership & Governance
- State of new board members & recruitment
- Candidates for the board officer cycle
- Proposed Audit Committee description (Approved)
IPPNW (International organization aligned with PSR)
Yearly conferences. This year’s conference is in Japan this summer. Current information is that the Japanese government will only allow pro-nuclear power advocates to represent their country.
Next national Board of Directors meeting will be Nov 15, 16, 17 at new DC location.