April 21, 2023
WNCPSR Minutes, April 21,2023
Attendees: Scott Baker, Scott Mahan, Bert Crain, Lew Patrie, Lynn Patrie, Dot Sulock, Phillip Bisesi, Leslie Poplawski, Terry Clark, Unable to attend: Sallee DeTomasso, Brita Clark, Mary Olson; Meeting starts 12:35
Welcome, Scott Baker
Review of agenda, approved, no additional items
Minutes, March 17,2023 Approved as written
-Treasurer’s report, Bert Crain: balance $2,589
-Climate Change Group, Scott Mahan reports
-Group will host an information booth and plant give-away at Earth Day, 5 K run at Carrier Park, on 4/22/23
- Group approved expenditure of up to $200 to purchase a canopy for information booth
-Art on magnets, for handout at Earth Day 5 K race, Thank you Leslie
- Fee for Booth at Earth Day event paid by Charles Mahan, Thank you
-Pending: ban of single use plastic bags, look into what city is doing and others and consider working in coalition with other groups
- Meeting of NRC in Erwin, TN, on 5/18/23 addressing performance of Nuclear fuel Services and invitation for public comment. More information pending
-River/creek cleanup, choice of where to cleanup under consideration
Quarterly newsletter, discussion/planning, we will provide a sign-up list at the Earth Day booth
-Executive Committee meeting held via zoom, Scott and Terry, Bert unable to attend,
listed items that we could address: update 990 form, review and establish by-laws, (look at bylaws of other chapters) develop business card, develop lists of members(meeting attendees, mailing lists, donor list, legislative contacts); consider term limits (two years suggested), consider steering committee or board that meets monthly (perhaps grandfather in current frequent attendees) as well as open format of non-board members welcome to attend, have quarterly meeting open to all, have a guest speaker, look into obtaining insurance
Report on Committee on Abolition of Nuclear weapons (CAN), discussion held at recent CAN considering if PSR should take a stance of an immediate cease fire between Russia and Ukraine, without preconditions (or others argue that preconditions are essential). IPPNW on 3/10/23 called for an immediate cease fire and withdrawal of all invading and occupying forcesand an urgent end to the war in Ukraine.
Individuals can sign on: https://defusenuclearwar.org/endthewarinukraine/
Reported $90 billion spent per yr on nuclear weapons
Military budget: $886 billion
Rogers lecture re Single Payor Health Care, canceled
House Resolution 77 – Embracing the goals and provisions of TPNW (McGovern D-MA and Blumenauer D-OR, also Lee (CA), Holmes-Norton (DC), Jayapal (WA)).
congress.gov/bill/118 th -congress/house-resolution/77
Municipal resolution in Asheville, learn more re this?
Education materials, concerns regarding what children are being taught re nuclear issues. – Leslie
Phil – question re nuclear electrical generation. Encouraged to formulate a specific proposal regarding what we could do
Letters: Dot and Terry recently had letters to editor published in ACT
- letter needed re underfunded social programs related to military budget.
Art Day – sometime this summer
DC Days April 23-26 – Project of Alliance for Nuclear Accountability
IPPNW meets in Africa
Movie “Oppenheimer” Opens July 21 – 5 days after Trinity Test
Meeting ends – 2:00 p.m.
Next meeting: May19th
Terry Clark