March 17, 2023
WNCPSR Minutes March 17, 2023
-Attendees: Scott Baker, Bert Crain, Dot Sulock, Philip Bisesi, Sallee Detomaso, Brita Clark, Charles Mahan, Dee Jeffers, Lew Patrie, Lynn Patrie, Leslie Poplawski, Terry Clark. (Bob Howarth, Irma Howarth, Scott Mahan and Mary Olson unable to attend) Mary was going to present a report on her recent presentation to ICAN in Oslo Norway yet was unable to attend today. Will re-schedule for next meeting.
-Welcome- Scott Baker, Chaired meeting
-Statement for reflection: “Peace is the only goal worth struggling for. This is no longer a prayer but a demand to be made by all peoples to their government-a demand to chose definitively between hell and reason” Albert Camus August 8,1945
-Review of agenda,
- Minutes of 2/17/23 meeting, approved as written
-Treasurer’s report. Balance $2,839; fee for use of church classroom for monthly meetings paid thru November 2023
-Committee on Abolition of Nuclear Weapons Report, Bert
Encourage support of the proclamation of the goal of “The Back from the Brink Campaign”. Concern re bloated military budget (currently, $886 billion dollars!)
Concern re Ukraine with special interest of the risk at the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear power plant
Encourage support of House Resolution 77 embracing the goals of the TPNW.
-Actions we can do to increase the public's awareness of the harm threatened by nuclear weapons. A brainstorming session chaired by Scott Baker
1.) Educate public about the risk of exposure to low levels of ionizing radiation; especially disproportionate effect on women and girls
2.) Encourage, educate and involve and promote advocacy groups to address risk of nuc weapons such as nurses, midwives, faith based groups. Groups with special credibility
3.) Keep contacting legislators
4.) Establish ongoing communication with media personnel
5.) Meet with educators
6.) Promote redirection of money spent on military and allocate for address of human needs
-Bert’s 17 letters to all NC State and Federal legislators circulated and signed.
- Scott Baker reviewed the response he received from Senator Tillis (he is focused on the need to develop the nuclear triad)
- Noted: Bob Howarth has submitted a petition to the democratic Party stating support for the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. The goal of petition is to have this included in the democratic platform in 2024 election.
Report on Climate Change Working Group. Group listed goals and actions.
Report by Terry, Information forwarded from Scott Mahan.
Two specific near-term actions planned:
1.) WNC/PSR accepts an offer to participate in an Earth Day Event sponsored by the Green Built Alliance on Saturday April 22nd at Carrier Park. The event includes a 5K run. A sizable crowd is expected. We will have a table to provide information. A $150 contribution in support of the event is requested. Charles Mahan offered to pay this fee on behalf of the Chapter.
Group members voiced positive, supportive comments.
2.)Scott Mahan and Rob Conklin have researched a site for a river cleanup. They recommend Brush Creek in Madison County. Agreement set to choose and set a date other than Earth Day.
Group members voiced positive comments about the event.
Plan: further communication and establish details of these two events
Plus more focus on the goals and action introduced by the Working Group on Climate Change including:
- Start a WNCPSR Quarterly Newsletter.
-Work to ban single use plastic bags in Asheville.
-Have booths at community events
Give-away of plants and information at events
-Recruit members
- Nuclear Blast Maps. Scott noted again, (Bert pointed this out previously) that enables you to see the results of a detonated nuclear bomb in whatever location you choose. Charles pointed out the wide- spread catastrophic destruction and death that would occur if a 300 Kiloton nuclear bomb was detonated in Asheville. Dot commented that if an all-out nuclear war occurred between Russia and the US, it would be overwhelming. All meaningful things gone.
- Update from Scott Baker clarifies that National will not provide names of donors to local chapter. Scott has suggested that they give donors a choice if they want their names shared with the local chapter. Plan: further conversation with national staff.
- Education of school children re nuclear power and nuclear weapons. Leslie shared her concern that the source of information on these topics is provided by commercial power companies and that this risks a overly biased positive view on these issues. Leslie volunteers to research this further and report back to this group. Terry and Brits volunteer to assist her.
- “Erwin Citizens Awareness Network” report, There will be a “Peoples Hearing for Nuclear Awareness concerning plans to expand work with weapons grade uranium in Erwin TN. Date: Sunday, March 26th at Johnson City Public Library, 100 W. Millard St. Johnson City TN, 2-5 PM Plan see information that has been circulated. Encourage you attend and voice your concerns.
Prepared by Terry Clark