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January 17, 2025

PSR-N.C. Chapter

Meeting January 17, 2025

Present: Brita and Terry Clark, Sally T. and Phil B., Dot S., Bert C.

We delayed approval of the Dec. meeting. notes for now. 

Treasurers report: Bert reported we had no deposits or debits and a balance of 5183.32.

Bert reported on the Jan. CAN committee meeting.

We believe that Donald Trump met with Bernard Lown at Trump’s request in 1984. Trump wanted Lown to educate him about nukes so that he, Trump, might be able to help with the threat. Again, PSR needs to recruit more younger people. The Bulletin will set The Doomsday Clock for 2025 on Jan. 28 at 10 AM. Some republicans in congress are pushing for further increases of up to 60 billion in the defense budget. This will be the 80th anniversary of Hiroshima and a big year for media exposure. IPPNW will have a World Congress in Nagasaki in October.

Terry reminded us that The text of the address given by the chairman of the Nobel Peace Prize Committee, Jorgen Frydnes was quite elegant and contained many important thoughts.

We were given a link to an extensive paper compiled by Mary Olson and a colleague for the UN -UNIDIR that outlines the evidence for increased incidence of cancer after radiation exposure in women and girls.

 March 3-7: 3rd MSP to the TPNW in NYC.  Brita and Terry may attend. There will also be a 2025 Climate Action Convention: Our Planet, Our Health in Washington March 1-4.  Agenda and registration are on

Bert brought a letter to our N.C. congressional reps. for signing. The letter emphasized the danger of our times and the importance of doing away with ICBMs as a steppingstone to abolishing nuclear weapons, as well as all the money that would be wasted only to increase the danger.

We discussed changing the meeting time for chapter meetings to an evening time to allow working people to attend. We will discuss this at the next meeting. 

Dot and Brita committed to writing letters this coming month; Dot to Asheville Citizen Times; Brita to Mtn. Express.

We discussed the importance of our work and the need for persistence. Some feel we should submit more letters regularly.  We don’t really know what impact our work has on the public or the politicians; but it is the right thing to do and there may be benefits that we are unaware of.

Next Meeting:

February 21, 2025 

6:00 PM Social, 

6:30 Business meeting

Mission Statement

PREVENTING WHAT WE CANNOT CURE: Physicians for Social Responsibility is the medical and public health voice working to prevent the use or spread of nuclear weapons and to slow, stop and reverse global warming and the toxic degradation of the environment.