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May 20, 2011


Present: Mary Olson, Bob Howarth, Stan Dienst, Ed Daigle, John Joyner, Don Richardson, Terry and Brita Clark  

Mary announced an event on the labor movement, 7 PM, Carolina Lane (FYI) Ned Doyle is doing year-round sustainable energy programs in Hendersonville, at Our Sothern Community Center in Hendersonville, 797 Locust Street. Nuclear Abolition Day is June 5.  

Minutes of the April meeting were circulated and approved as read.  

Treasurer's report: John Joyner reported a balance of $1650.50. Of this total, $250 is designated for the No Nuclear Waste Group. Mary said that Mountain Protectors should be viewed as a WNCPSR project. MP has separate meetings every other Thursday at the NIRS office. Their main task is emails to the BRC. Address is Keep sending comments! Some have sent 10 or more.  

Discussion of Sandy Mush issue: Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League, WNC Alliance, Canary Coalition all are outgrowths of the Sandy Mush nuclear waste issue.

Stan distributed some of the 500 WNCPSR newly printed cards along with a draft of a letter to be sent to high donors requesting dispersal of the cards to interested friends and associates. Donations are tax deductible (501 C3). He also discussed the Stanley Foundation tool kit re "Radioactive Challenge" and gave out Discussion Guide flyers. The film is 18 minutes in length, suitable for meetings. (See below)

Terry noted that Mel Jenkins has a SC group, Environmentalists Incorporated, focusing on nuclear issues, and wants to connect with WNCPSR. Phone 803-603-4351, email or Mel will be added to our email list.  

Don emailed the Council for a Livable World petition for withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan. Please sign! CLW is backing new legislation, HR 1735, Jim McGovern (D-MA) and Walter Jones (D-NC), requiring a plan from President Obama for withdrawal; and HR 780, Barbara Lee  (D-CA) requiring safe and orderly redeployment of all US troops and military contractors. Ms. Lee is THE outstanding progressive legislator.  

Bob Howarth asked if all website editors had been trained with Totsie Marine. Don has not, will next week.

Bob noted several examples of events re whether we should be endorsing them: The March on Blair  Mountain: Appalachia is Rising!, June 5-11, 2001, and The Earthsong Soiree, May 21, 2011, at The Sacred  Embodiment Center, 31 Carolina Lane off Lexington, downtown Asheville. No decision made. 

Steve Gilman, in absentia, sent a comment about holding our legislators accountable for our "current" (read continuing) military policies. Steve suggests major cuts in our $700-800b war budget and bringing home half of those deployed in our nearly 800 foreign bases. We are addressing this in our visits with local offices of Shuler, Burr and Hagan. Don will announce upcoming appointments soon.  

Don emailed America's New Nuke Showdown is NOW! by Harvey Wasserman, to our long list (FYI) Brita read her draft letter to Rep. Shuler re elimination of nukes. After minor editing she will forward to Don for  distribution to the WNCPSR email list.   Mary reported on the BRC, which appropriately met on Friday the 13th in D.C. The suncommittee's recommendations were not available to the BRC at the trime of the meeting.(!) BRC has been swamped with emails from WNC re Sandy Mush. BRC is looking for communities that "give consent." They want to  continue reprocessing; any legislation is probably 3 years off. Meanwhile 31 attempts to secure temporary storage have ALL failed!  

Mary also updated Fukushima: criticality at reactor #3. For detailed info go to where there are many short reports by expert Arnie Gunderson.  

Stan closed the meeting with a showing of the aforementioned film RADIATION CHALLENGE, designed to educate the public about the importance of securing fissionable nuclear materials worldwide, and the necessity of global participation in this critical issue.  

Meeting adjourned at 2:20 PM  

Don Richardson, Criticality Secretary, term limited to this millennium

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