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November 18, 2011

WNCPSR Minutes, November 18, 2011, home of Steve and Beth Gilman, Asheville
Present: Steve Gilman, Bob Howarth, Sasha Hussey, Lew Patrie, Terry Clark,
Phil Bisesi, Stan Dienst, Mary Olson, Don Richardson
Terry Clark opened the meeting at 12:30 PM.

MINUTES of the October meeting were accepted with one addition: Bob Howarth also emailed comments to the BRC Atlanta hearing.
TREASURER John Joyner (in absentia) called in a balance of $1085.31.
OLD BUSINESS: Not relevant. 
Bob Howarth discussed his letter to Senator Apodaca re fracking (House Bill 242) noting that protections for landowners were omitted in the second draft. There will be congressional action in May 2012, with two public hearings to be announced in areas set for fracking.

Stan Dienst presented a 6 slide show on fracking based on material in the film GASLAND, which Bob has reviewed. Don has a copy. Stan passed around a sign-up sheet for those who want a DVD copy for personal use and future presentations.

Mary said Clean Water for NC is working on this issue and we should collaborate with them. Katie Hicks is the local contact and the state Director is Hope Taylor in Durham. Terry, Stan and Bob will contact Katie and Hope. 
Don reported on the meeting with Chad Eaton in Cong. Shuler's local office. Issues covered were public financing of elections, corporate personhood, removing subsidies for nuclear power, fracking, and the need for an impartial investigation of 9/11 since the overwhelming evidence points to an inside job. The 9/11 Commission was hand-picked insiders.

We have a meeting scheduled with John Mitchell in Sen. Burr's office on Monday, November 28 at 2 PM. Sen. Hagan's office has yet to respond to our request for a meeting.

Bob discussed possible affiliations with Mt. Protectors and WNCAlliance.

Mary spoke about national nuclear waste issues. Reprocessing continues to come up. We have not done reprocessing since West Valley in N.Y. There is a danger oflegislation to resume it in South Carolina.

Decision on centralized storage (off reactor sites) pending. Not likely to be any action before the 2012 elections. Fukushima update postponed.

Phil asked whether we can get information on cancer rates near nuclear facilities. Mary reported that National Academy of Sciences studies from 2008-2012 are poorly designed and faulty. Lew had contacted the NC State Medical Society and the NC Epidemiologist's office years ago without response. Mary wants a study group on cancer rates. Terry, Mary and Don volunteered, meeting TBA. Don has voluminous notes on this issue, with varying opinions depending on sources of funding and political considerations.

Terry spoke with Jeff Patterson, D.O., at national PSR re nomination ofSteve to the PSR board. Decision in the works.

Lew told about the Patries hosting an 11/9 meeting on "Move to Amend" the Constitution, relating to ending corporate personhood, in response to the January, 2010 Supreme Court's Citizens United decision.Twenty three attended including congressional candidate Cecil Bothwell. Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vt) spoke via phone hook-up. Planning included local action and a future meeting at the North Asheville Library, TBA.

Terry updated us on the coal ash legislation, Sen. Bill 1751. The bill is to stop EPA from regulating coal ash and to allow the states to do so. We are asking Congress to vote NO on 1751.

Sasha has the cover letter to be sent with our petitions re waste transport.

CHRISTMAS PARTY get-together is at the Patries' home, 6 PM, Thursday, December 8.
Next WNCPSR meeting: December 16 at Steve and Beth's, noon lunch, 12:30 meeting.

The meeting was adjourned at 1:58 PM. 
Don Richardson, Indentured Secretary

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