January 15, 2021
Minutes WNCPSR 1 15 21
Attendees: Lew Patrie, Bob Howarth, Irma Howarth, Phil Bisesi, Sallee DeTomaso, Leslie Poplawskie, Brita Clark, Terry Clark, Bert Crain
Metting conducted via Free Conference Call.
I. Minutes of 12 18 20, approved as written
II. Treasurers Report, Lew Patrie
Balance $1354.57
III. Committee on Abolition of nuclear Weapons report, Bert Crain
Noted that Jack Geiger, one of the founders of PSR died recently. He was a great advocate for public healthcare.
Noted focus on The Treaty on Abolition of Nuclear Weapons which comes into force (EIF) on January 22, 2021. There will be a celebration event to mark this accomplishment, at Vance Monument in downtown Asheville on 1/22/2, 4:30- 5:30 PM. Within the limitations of social distancing and wearing masks people are encouraged to attend, Bert Crain, MD and other speakers will give presentations.
Continuation of topic addressed in December’s meeting of how to increase awareness of nuclear weapons issues via various venues such as newspapers, (op-eds, letters, press announcements), phone calls to legislators, social media, twitter, blogs.
Consider a newsletter to WNCPSR supporters. (Bob Howarth share some ideas re newsletter. We can followup discussion of this at future meetings). Mary Olson noted that an effective strategy can be to request newsletter recipients to take one simple action that addresses a relevant PSR related topics, each month.
Bob Howarth presented that we might facilitate letter and article writing as well as phone calls to legislators by establishing who will do such action on each month. We could keeping track of this with a timeline.
Several members noted that the pending tax filing season presents an opportunity to remind citizens and legislators of the extreme cost for development and upgrading of the US nuclear weapons arsenal while other important issues are underfunded
Next meeting: Friday, Feb. 19th, 2021
Respectfully submitted,
Terry Clark