July 16, 2021
Minutes WNCPSR 7/16/21
Zoom meeting 12:40 til 1:35
Attendees: Dot Sulock, Bert Crain, Phil Bisesi, Sallee DeTomaso, Scott Baker, Lew Patrie had difficulty fully connecting on-line, Bob Howarth, Brita Clark, Terry Clark,
No additional agenda items requested.
I.) Minutes of June 18, 2021 approved as written.
II.) Treasurer’s Report, Scott Baker
We have closed the WNCPSR Bank Account at BB&t and opened an account at First Citizen’s Bank. Full account transferred from BB&t to First Citizens.
Balance is $2,446.92 with one recent donation of $50 from Scott Baker
III.) Business
- Committee on Abolition of Nuclear Weapons (CAN) Report, Bert Crain
A letter was sent from IPPNW, PSR and other signees to Presidents Biden and Putin at the summit. The presidents acknowledged the letter and sent a written response that stated they will resume talks to decrease the risk of nuclear war. Upcoming follow-up of post nuclear war famine risk indicates an even more dire consequence than currently thought.
-Report on good progress with sign-on letter by local and state elected to be sent to President Biden and members of congress . Committee encourages members to obtaining sign-on from state and local officials.
- Chapter Leaders report, Terry notes continued emphasis on getting elected state and local officials to sign on to letter to Pres. Biden and members of congress
-Report from Bob Howarth re News from OREPA re Work Groups formed by OREPA, Nuclear Register and Nukewatch to elevate the Ban Treaty and use these Work Groups to educate, organize and mobilize people to support the Ban Treaty. Group concurred that the OREPA newsletter is well done and informative. Mailing of hard copy of newsletter can readily be obtained by signing up at the OREPA website.
- Hiroshima, Nagasaki commemoration. Group decided to hold an vigil to commemorate the victims of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.. Vigil: Friday, August 6th, 4:00 PM til 6:00 PM at Vance Monument site in downtown Asheville. Bring signs, posters, banners. Ask Lew Patrie to notify and invite Veterans for Peace. Dot, Terry and Brita will organize event.
-Meeting room at First Congregational United Church of Christ is now available. Terry notes there are specific items in use agreement that he will communicate with the group. He will sign the use agreements. Next chapter meeting will be held in person at the church on Friday, August 20th 12:00 til 2:00 PM. (12:00 -12:30 social and bag lunch. Business meeting 12:30 til 2:00 PM).
-Followup of Phil Bisessi’s proposal to establish a multi discipline ethics group. Technical problem interfered. Apparently, Phil’s microphone was on mute. He will distribute his proposal in writing.
- Next meeting: Friday, August 20th, 12:00 – 2:00 PM; social: 12-12:30; Business 12:30-2:00 PM
Terry Clark