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June 18, 2021

June 18, 2021 WNCPSR Meeting by Zoom

Attendees: Bert Crain, Dot Sulock, Lew Patrie, Phil Bisesi, Sallee DeTomaso, Bob Howarth, Irma Howarth, Leslie Poplawski, Brita Clark, Terry Clark, Ellen Thomas. Unable to attend: Mary Olson

Thank you to Ellen Thomas for facilitating use of Zoom

I. Minutes of 5/21/21 approved as written (see at

II. Treasurer’s report, Announcement: Scott Baker is the new treasurer, as Lew Patrie has stepped down as treasurer. Thank you to Lew and Scott

Balance: $2,446.92.

WNCPSR Chapter Account opened at First Citizen’s Bank. Account at BB&t closed.

III. Business

- Report by Bert Crain on CAN Committee (Committee on Abolition of Nuclear Weapons), Committee continues work on Back from the Brink. Emphasis on obtaining signatures of state and federal elected officials on letter to be sent to President Biden in August. Several in group agree to seek the signature support of elected officials Action: Dot will contact Brownie Newman, Chairman of County Commissioners; Bob will contact Rep. Brian Turner; Leslie will contact Mayor Esther Manheimer, Terry will contact State Senator,Julie Mayfield, Bert will contact several Representatives. Encourage we all contact other elected officials. Timeliness noted as deadline is August. Other important bills to communicate with legislators: SANE Bill, introduced by Sen Markey (Smarter Approach to Nuclear Expenditures Act), No First Use ACT (HR 2603, S1219).IPPNW and other groups sent communication to President’s Biden and Putin to address nuclear weapons threat of catastrophe. They did announce that they will resume meetings to address nuclear weapons yet lack of concreteness of a plan. Bert Crain

- Report on Chapter Leaders June meeting, Emphasis on getting signature support from elected officials on letter to be sent to President Biden in August. Terry

- Fundraising report, Terry, Results of recent chapter fundraising mailing: 10 donors, raised $975

Thank you letters sent.

- Proposal to start an Ethics Committee, Phil Bisesi, presented the concept of exploring for commonalities of various profession’s reliance of specific ethics principles. Action: Several group members will send Phil information re ethical guidelines of their professions. Phil will further develop this proposed concept.

-Campaign to gain support for HR 2850, Rep. Eleanor Norton (to abolish nuclear weapons) and 2227, Rep Ro Kharma, (bill to defund the ICBM Modernization Program)

- Do we want to add our support to the opposition of planned release of radioactive water into the ocean at Fukushima? Action: We will get more information regarding toxicity of proposed releases. Leslie

- Future meetings by Zoom or in person? Action: Terry will check with the Congregational Church if meeting room is now available 

-Social gathering? tabled

- Next meeting: July 16th

Terry Clark

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