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October 15, 2021

WNCPSR Minutes
October 15, 2021
Meeting via Zoom

Present: Lynn, Lew, Bob, Irma, Bert, Phil, Sally, Mary, Dot, Leslie

Attempted to attend: Scott

 Lynn requested that we look into closed captioning Zoom for Lew. Mary will investigate.

 Terry had COVID three weeks ago but is now recovered.

 Treasurer’s report: Scott’s report interrupted by technical difficulty with Zoom access. Only one recent financial activity: $50 donation to Rachel Bliss in support of activities of International Peace Day. Phil and Sallee request arrangement whereby they can make a monthly automation donation from their bank account to WNCPSR Chapter. Action: Terry will communicate with Scott re. facilitating the requested monthly donation.

 Bert reported on the Committee on Abolition of Nuclear Weapons:

1. Back from the Brink letter signed by local elected officials has been delivered to Congress.

2. 20% of legislators wanted a decreased military budget, but it increased $25 billion.

3. Some good bills with regard to military issues were voted down (20% support). Submarine launched nuclear cruise missile going forward.

4. Boston PSR webinar inspirational with 400 in attendance. International Red Cross and Rotary International supporting PSR.

 Two important upcoming events:

The Nuclear Posture Review-NPR- is on going and should be completed by February. It's being done by The Pentagon but will be the president's NPR.

The review of the 1970 Non-proliferation Treaty-NPT- will be in NYC-presumably at the UN in January.

The states party to the TPNW review will be in  Vienna, Austria in March.

 Need to write letters trying to get a better Nuclear Posture Review this time. Plan: Write and mail letters or bring to next meeting if we meet in person.

 Mary told us about two encouraging developments:

“Humanity Rising” event – new focus on girl-driven solutions.

TPNW includes help for victims of nuclear activities, children of atomic veterans.

 Terry reported on the Chapter Leaders Meeting:

Introduction of 4 new staff members: Cerece Murphy,Mari Faines, LaTisha Henderson, Jasmine Owens. See PSR website for bios.

Jeff Carter is looking into transparency related to local supporters of PSR.

Terry will have a phone conference with Cerece Murphy on PSR sharing info with us about locals who support PSR.

 Leslie pointed out the importance of signing the letter at this link both individually and as a chapter: Request for sign-on to letter being sent re action requested at The UN Climate Change Conference, Nov 1-12 in Glasgow, Scotland. Request to include green house gas emissions by the military in limits to be set

 Action: Terry will sign on letter for WNCPSR

 PSR Gala November 18. In the past we donated $500 to this, but we were also receiving chapter grant money from National PSR.

Action: Dot motioned we send them $500, Bert seconded, passed unanimously.

 Terry noted that Mary has made a 3-minute power-point to share our chapter activities at this Gala. We thank Mary! Circulate video to chapter members.

 Phil wanted to know if WNCPSR regularly supports OREPA and NIRS, so supporting WNCPSR would include supporting those organizations. Mary said that these organizations need to be separately supported although occasionally WNCPSR does contribute to them.

 A discussion of local solar providers and Solarize Asheville was initiated by Leslie. Dot recommended Asheville Solar who did her solar. Mary said all the local providers are good.

 A discussion of where to meet next month ensued. Options discussed include Dot’s, Leslie’s, and at Congregational Church.The final word was outside at Dot’s patio, weather permitting, if not, then the Congregational Church with masks if the church is available. It is important that we all be sensitive to the challenging health conditions of some and not cavalier with respect to COVID.

Next meeting: November, 19, either at First United Congregational Church or outdoors at Dot’s patio.