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August 13, 2010


Present: Stan and Brad Dienst, Lew Patrie, Terry and Brita Clark, Leah Karpen, Richard Fireman, Jean Larson, Mary Fox Olson, Susan Oehler and Don Richardson

Get Well cards were circulated for signing to Irma Howarth who is dealing with fractures of both ankles from an accident and, like Chipper Jones, may or may not be out for the season. Another card was signed for Tim Takaro on the occasion of his 90the birthday. A similar card will be sent in 10 years.

Minutes of the last meeting were approved as written.

Treasurer John Joyner reported in absentia that our balance is $598.99.  We are appealing for someone to contribute $1.01.


  • Lew will try to arrange a showing of the controversial film COUNTDOWN TO ZERO, which has only been scheduled so far in major metro areas. Discussion raised the point that the film is financed by a pro nuke power organization. Civilian nuclear energy and weapons are Siamese twins: if you have nuclear power you will have nuclear weapons. In fact, there is no reason to have nuclear energy except for the weapons spinoff.
  • Leah Karpen handed out copies of her compendium of all peace and environmental groups and all media--publications, TV and radio stations--in Western N.C., an excellent reference source. (available on request)
  • Op-Eds: Lew's was published in A.C-T. on 8/6, Hiroshima Day,  Richard Fireman's on 8/11, both on our issues.
  • Don led a Hiroshima/Nagasaki Vigil "HIBAKUSHA" in front of the Transylvania Co. Courthouse 8/7. These 1 hour anti-war vigils have been continuous for eight years, starting before the attack on Iraq and sponsored by WNCPSR & Transylvanians For Peace.
  • Lew will be showing the film PRAY THE DEVIL BACK TO HELL at the UU church tonight, 8/13, at 7 PM, about courageous Liberian women standing up for peace.
  • Mary announced Int'l Nuclear Waste Action Day, 9/29, with both local & national lobbying.
  • Susan announced STAND UP/STAND DOWN program by Vets For Peace at the Diana Wortham Theater, to be all day 11/20.


Long discussion. A schedule was passed around for sign-ups to man our booth(s). Richard Fireman said that several groups are morphing together to form REPOWERING N.C., whose aim is 100% renewable energy, starting with 25% by 2025. Richard wants booth space for petitions and postcards with a goal of 50,000 to 100,000 signatures. Postcards to be signed in duplicate. This was approved, and signed petitions will be bundled an go to Jean Larson destined for legislators.

Helen Caldicott and her assistant Molly Lightfoot may be here for the EXPO. Helen is a plug-in hybrid and goes home to Australia for recharging as needed.

Six workshops are scheduled for EXPO. Details in EXPO brochure & have been emailed.

  • Leah raised the possibility of a name change to Nuclear Issues Group of WNCPSR to attract more members. "Physicians" may have the effect of scaring off interested people who are not medics. This will be discussed at our September meeting.
  • Stan Dienst closed the meeting with a demonstration of our new Hitachi projector and handed out instructions for its use.

Next meeting is tentatively September 17, Friday, at the NIRS office, noon for lunch and 12:30 for business.

Don Richardson, Secretary For This Millennium Only

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