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June 18, 2010


Present: Lew Patrie, Stan Dienst, Leah Karpen, Terry Clark, Mary Olson, John Joyner, Pete Sutherland, Bob and Irma Howarth, Don Richardson

PROGRAM: Mary opened the meeting by reporting on her May UN presentation, Article IV: NPT's Fault Line. 15 NGOs were represented. "Nukes are NOT an inalienable right," and are counterproductive. A complete report is available at: Mary can present this to groups if others generate an invitation.

MINUTES of 5-21 mtg approved as amended. Don was to inform us on the WAND Ed Arnold award but failed to bring it to this meeting; will report next time or forward the info to Lew.

TREASURER'S REPORT: John Joyner gave our balance as $1,541.99. Someone needs to contribute a penny.


  • Lew reminded us that WNCPSR is promoting upcoming UNA Haiti program, June 22, 7:00 PM at Asheville's 1st Congregational Church, Panel of 3 to include Jack Allison.
  • Lew re “Chernobyl, Consequences of the Catastrophe for People & the Environment” About 1,000,000 deaths are projected along with great morbidity. Available via NIRS @ $40
  • Stan Dienst revealed a new projector bulb costs $450 (!); investigated new Hitachi projector, costing $673, with bulb replacements $260 when we need one; would show DVDs via our DVD player or via a laptop, no problem. We voted to buy the Hitachi.
  • Stan's review of the book on nuclear disarmament yo be on in 2-3 weeks.
  • We have a Facebook place in Lew's name, considered a good marketing tool. Discussion followed, gist being to involve more young people & others in hopes they'll clean up after us; help needed; Pete may provide contact who can tutor some of us on it. More later.
  • Leah announced World Affairs Program on global issues, 7/23-25, Blue Ridge Assembly & circulated a flyer.



  • Mary reported on the Chicago Meeting on nuclear waste, over 80 participants from 26 states. Arjun Makhijani spoke. Monthly conference calls are being set up.
  • Mary reported on last night's NRC Hearing in Gaffney, S.C. NRC seemed to be unprepared to answer questions, and many participants were better informed on issues like water supplies. Comments can be submitted electronically at Don was chastised for being too critical (“feeling homicidal”) re the nice people at NRC and will be sentenced to 30 days in the electric chair without bathroom privileges.
  • Oak Ridge, July 3-5 event: Mary will go. Lew to provide her with WNCPSR items for tabling.  He & Stan expect to attend Mon. session, others may contact them.
  • SEEExpo, August 20-22. Mary reported on proposed NIRS project which is to include six workshops on nuclear waste; WNCPSR agreed to participate.  Leah suggested a graphic display of the nuclear fuel cycle, similar to Mary’s new nuclear map of the southeast, to dramatize radioactive leakage and cancer rates & more, associated with nukes. Lew will register us and the fee is in the $300 range. A subcommittee will meet on details at 11:30 on July 9, Friday, including Terry, Brita and Bob Howarth, Mary & Stan.
  • Lew mentioned the film Countdown to Zero, a 92 minute production being promoted by NPSR, currently shown commercially. No action but assume we will want a copy.
  • Space Week announced, 10/2-9, material covered by Karl Grossman's recent program.
  • Lew circulated notes on national PSR's Guidelines on Climate and Energy Legislation.

NEXT MEETING at NIRS August 13, Friday, 12 noon for lunch and 12:30 business.

Adjourned at 2:03 PM - Don Richardson, Secretary-in-Name-Only - Further fouled by Lew

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