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March 19, 2010


MARCH 19, 2010, 12:30 PM, at Leah Karpen's home

Present: Leah Karpen, Stan Dienst, John Joyner, Lew Patrie, Brita Clark, Don Richardson, Bob Howarth

Lew Patrie opened a bag lunch followed by the meeting at 12:30.
The Minutes of the last meeting of Feb. 19, 2010, were approved without changes.

Treasurer's Report: John Joyner noted recent contributions from Haywood Peace Fellowship ($50), plus 3 other gifts totaling $200 for a balance of $1771.99.

We received thanks from Karl Grossman for his reimbursement for the 3/25 program.

Re Karl Grossman's "WEAPONS IN SPACE?" presentation, Kent Thompson of UNCA will videotape as arranged by Dot Sulock. We will try to get a copy for WNCPSR use.

Don will do the welcome, citing our many sponsors, and will introduce Mary Olson of NIRS, who will introduce speaker Karl Grossman. Brita Clark is to be reimbursed for providing drinks & snacks at Reuter Center for attendees & proposed tabling a half page handout with bullet suggestions for audience action, to which Leah added membership forms and a box for contributions, all of which Lew agreed to provide.

Prior to Karl’s 7 PM presentation, interested people may meet & eat with him at 5:30 PM in Room 100 of the cafeteria of the University Dining Hall. Cost is reportedly $8 per person.


  • Mary has arranged for a Karl Grossman recording session with Ned Doyle for a later WNCW-FM radio broadcast, presumably on “Our Southern Community
  • Mary is promoting a trip to Chicago for the June 4-6 National Grassroots Summit on Radioactive Waste Policy, at Loyola U.
  • There will be a national gathering at Oak Ridge, Sat., April 10, for a nuclear free world, marking the 30th anniversary of Nukewatch and the Nuclear Register (For more details go to: <>.
  • There will be a July 4 action , Resistance For A Nuclear-free Future, which we agreed to cosponsor for a contribution of $30. (Check to Nukewatch).
  • There will be a July 4 action , Resistance For A Nuclear-free Future, which we agreed to cosponsor for a contribution of $30. (Check to Nukewatch).
  • Don: will show the climate change blockbuster "THE AGE OF STUPID" at the Brevard Library tomorrow at 2 PM, and will announce the Karl Grossman program then.
  • Lew announced the drama,"THE FEVER", a one-man Wallace Shawn show contrasting affluence with poverty at UU church on Charlotte Street in Asheville, 7 PM, April 9th.
  • Stan gave out copies of his DVD on the Hubble Telescope, made with son Brad, to all in attendance, a 12 minute show.
  • We authorized Leah’s purchase ($49.95) of David Krieger's book, "THE CHALLENGE OF ABOLISHING NUCLEAR WEAPONS." Stan agreed to do a review of the book for our enlightenment, to be put on our website,
  • Leah passed around a copy of a War Resisters League flyer re the costs of war, which we will distribute. Leah was authorized to make 100 copies.
  • There will be a peace rally in Pritchard Park tomorrow, March 20, at noon.

Meeting adjourned at 1:55 PM.

  • Leah will show Michael Moore's film "CAPITALISM: A LOVE STORY" at her home on  March 28 at 6 PM (no dinner). Film runs 127 minutes.
  • We noted the passing of DORIS "GRANNY D" HADDOCK with sadness, a great American hero. (A statue of Granny D should be placed in her N. H. town, Dublin).

Next meeting: Noon, Friday, April 16 at NIRS office.

Don Richardson, Secretary For Life

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