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September 17, 2010


Present: Leah Karpen, John Joyner, Steve Gilman, Lew Patrie, Mary Olson, Stan Dienst, Don Richardson, and Mental Health Therapist Gordon Smith, a member of AVL City Council

Noon lunch included an eight minute audio on global warming by Bill McKibben per Stan Dienst. McKibben is the founder of and author of The End of Nature.  He will be at Warren Wilson College on Oct. 6 at 7 PM

Stan Dienst announced that a Jay Rockefeller amendment would drop restrictions on coal plants, and all are asked to sign a form in opposition to this pandering to the powerful coal industry in his state.

Mary Olson showed ten minute segments of her two testimonies on nukes and nuclear waste sites and the subsequent effects of cancer and birth defects on exposed populations to the Department of Energy's Blue Ribbon Commission on our Nuclear Future. Discussion on how to use Mary's brilliant testimonies for local purposes, especially for recruitment. The testimonies can be accessed at www. brc. gov, and go to webcast.

We deliberated Leah’s suggested name change to promote new members, not necessarily physicians, for example, "Nuclear Issues Group of WNCPSR".  Please think about this and offer ideas in advance of our November meeting as this will have relevance for our chapter’s future.

Minutes of August meeting approved as written.

Treasurer John Joyner reported  $598.99 balance, same as Aug. Don appealed for a $1.01 donation.

Lew circulated his recent op-ed to the AC-T and reported that his showing of the  environmental film DIRT at UU church to an audience of 60+, Cosponsor: Transition AVL .


International Day of Peace, AVL City Plaza, 9/21 at 6:30 PM.

September 29 is International Radioactive Waste Day. Mary will try to get a room at UNCA for showing of Climate of Hope, details pending.

Oct. 15:
We planned and discussed commemorating KEEP SPACE 4 PEACE WEEK:  Two WNCPSR showings of Pax Americana and the Weaponization of Space at UU church, one at noon (lunch) and one at 7 PM. These will preclude our Oct. 15 meeting of WNCPSR.

The national PSR letter on climate change addressed to President Obama and both the Senate and House was approved unanimously (see page 3 of today's agenda for full letter).

Postcards to Senators Burr and Hagan re endorsement of START Treaty were distributed, signed and collected.

Stan Dienst passed out more cards re our web page.

Next meeting November 19 at NIRS office. Tentative Dec. holiday party may be 12/9.  To be worked out at Nov. meeting; suggestions welcome sooner.

We adjourned at 1:50 PM  Don Richardson, Secretary-at-gunpoint

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