MINUTES of WNCPSR Meeting, May 21, 2010, NIRS Office, 45 Riverview, Asheville
Present: Mary Olson (host), Stan Dienst, Leah Karpen, Tim Takaro, Lew Patrie, Pete Sutherland, Tom Coulson, Ellen Thomas, Ronald Harayda, Don Richardson, and Ronald Harayda of Veterans For Peace, so we all introduced ourselves.
The minutes of the April 16 meeting were approved as written.
Treasurer's Report: In the absence of John Joyner, Leah reported the $200 bill for the Karl Grossman program, March 25 has been paid. No balance available.
- Ellen Thomas took part in walk to NYC for nuclear abolition & other walks
- Don was charged with reporting the recipient(s) of the Ed Arnold Award by WAND in Atlanta; he is inquiring and will report next month.
- Mary O reported on “Green Ribbon” Nuclear Waste Future meeting in Chicago, June 4-6. advocating good Southeast representation. Mary is to be there early; Ellen Thomas will drive up on June 4 with her group and has room for 6 more. Mary will drive back on June 7th. Attendees may stay at Loyola U. Illinois is the state with the greatest volume of radioactive waste; Obama is from IL, Chicago has a good airport, thus the chosen location. Contact Mary or Ellen.
- Mary talked about the Blue Ribbon Commission on nuclear waste which includes Lee Hamilton (who aided the 9/11 cover-up as member of The 9/11 Commission), pro-nuclear former Senator Pete Domenici, and Brent Scowcroft. It meets this coming Tuesday in D.C. Check out brc.org website to follow proceedings.
- Ellen Thomas announced a meeting for noon June 4 Friday at Firestorm Cafe, "Think Outside The Bomb," aimed at young people but all are invited. Ellen circulated a flyer, "A World Without Nuclear Weapons," and handed out a flyer, Proposition One in 2010 Campaign For Nuclear Disarmament, see www. prop1.org. We will consider sponsoring the campaign at our June meeting.
- Pete Sutherland discussed the petition to the Asheville City Council in favor of de-escalating the war in Afghanistan and handed out a summary of the resolution along with the email addresses of the Mayor, Vice-Mayor and the other 5 members (see attached). We are all encouraged to contact all Council members to plug up this black hole of mindless debt. (Maybe it could work in the Gulf.) The Council will also be dealing with retrofitting houses and loans for same, probably with a bond issue.
- Tom Coulson announced a UN Association panel on Haiti, June 22, Tuesday at the First Congregational Church at 20 Oak Street, Asheville, titled HAITI: PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE, a panel discussion re the earthquake and its sequelae which WNCPSR agreed to publicize.
- Lew promoted UUChurch environmental DVD, "Sea Change", Fri., June 11, 7 PM.
- We discussed the Southeast Energy Expo for August. Leah Karpen said that we should ask Ned Doyle to mix up the commercial & non-profit booths to insure better exposure to the public. The booth would cost about $300. We’ll decide next month.
- Lew Patrie announced the July 4th weekend program at Maryville College and the Y-12 Complex, "Resistance For A Nuclear free Future", Stan provided handouts. Decision next month. WE also discussed the Clean Energy Deployment Administration bill (CEDA), yet another government program masquerading as progress whereas it's offers major concessions to nuclear & other industries, as explained by Michele Boyd of NPSR.
- Stan recommended Dave Krieger’s book, "Abolishing Nuclear Weapons."
- Guest Ronald Harayda handed out his Veterans For Peace flyer, which includes info on VFP and invited s to take part in his WPVM-103.5 FM radio show airing at 5 PM every Wed. Go to wpvm.org or contact vetsvoices@yahoo.com.
Next meeting:
Fri., June 18, noon, at NIRS unless Mary is away. We’ll send info.
Meeting adjourned at 2:10 PM ... Don Richardson, Secretary-in-Perpetuity