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February 19, 2010

Draft Minutes of WNCPSR Meeting

2/19/10, NIRS office, 45 Riverview, Asheville, NC.

Present: Mary Olson, Lew Patrie, Susan Oehler, Brita Clark, Stan Dienst, Bob Howarth, John Joyner, Leah Karpen, Kitty Katherine Richard, Don Richardson.

Minutes of Jan 19, 2010 meeting OKed with addition of Don as present. Mary Olson announced she'll be away for the 3/19 meeting, so we'll meet at Leah's starting at 12:30 instead of 12:00 (for bag lunch). Mary gone 3/11-22.

Treasurer's Report: John Joyner reported present balance of $2,121.99. We agreed to provide $500 to Karl Grossman for his upcoming program ($314 airfare, rest for incidentals). Leah's letter raised $580 toward this; PSR $525.

Lew Patrie circulated recent instaletters to the Asheville Citizen-Times. Mary has done several appearances on NPR nuke power subsidies.

Lew announced dates for the national PSR lobbying day: April 27-29. Lew and Don plan to attend, barring the unforeseen.

Dr. Will Hamilton has asked us to join him on a visit to Rep. Heath Shuler's Asheville office and several will go, number uncertain.

Mary asked us to respond to the NIRS appeal to reject the loan guarantees for new nukes. Several have already contacted Shuler and Senators and others are urged to do so.

Lew mentioned the GE-Hitachi Global Laser Enrichment license application for uranium enrichment near Wilmington, N.C. It was agreed we probably can'tĀ  achieve "standing" to justify an effort.

The Beyond War Study Series, Unit Univ Fellowship of H'ville, 2021 Kanuga Rd., 5 Tuesdays from 3/2-30,1:30 PM.

Re discussion of 3/25 Grossman event led by Leah: Kitty Katherine Richard passed around a sample of her flyer "People's Decade For Nuclear Abolition." See website This especially targets students & a poster display she'll bring to the Grossman affair.

Kitty also would help with future fundraising. Brita Clark will coordinate refreshments.

Leah is negotiating with David Hurand re a possible radio interview with Karl Grossman in conjunction with his March 25 program Space For Peace?

Ned Doyle will tape a promotional interview with Mary and Don on multiple issues, for ?3/25 broadcast. Mary will notify Don re time and place.

Stan Dienst circulated cards re the Grossman program, with buttons to follow. There was further discussion re publicity for Grossman program. Leah providedĀ  a list of program sponsors, so far including Southern Energy Network, WNC Chapter UNA/USA, Haywood Peace Fellowship, Common Cause NC, UU Fellowship H'ville Social Justice Team, UU Asheville Social Justice Council, NIRS, Peace and Justice Studies Program at Warren Wilson College, LWV of Asheville-Buncombe County and War Resisters League Southeast.

Mary Olson reported that Nuclear Fuel Services in Erwin, TN, is still shut down from a fire last October. The locals are getting more active. Fuel standards may be subject to change. Mary hopes to have an April meeting which PSR may co-host, date and location pending (probably UNCA or Erwin).

Stan requested that we review changes to our website and offer suggestions.

Re Bele Chere participation we declined for this year.

Leah announced Oct 2-9 as Keep Space For Peace Week.

Don's Brevard showing of The Age of Stupid was snowed out Feb 13, to be rescheduled for Mar 20, 2 PM at the Transylvania County Library. Lew will show that film 3/12, 7 PM at the UU church in Asheville.

Don did a program on radiation on Feb 11 at the H'ville library for Sierra Club, arranged by Barbara Barnett.

Next meeting Mar 19 at Leah's (see above). April's to be the 16th, at NIRS.

Meeting adjourned at 1:45 PM - Don Richardson, Secretary by Acclamation