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August 21, 2020

Minutes, WNCPSR August 21, 2020   pdf

Telephone Conference Meeting

Attendees: Lew Patrie, Bert Crain, Bob Howarth, Irma Howarth, Scott Baker, Phil Bisesi, Sallee Detomaso, Brita Clark, Terry Clark, unable to attend: Leslie Poplawski, Mary Olson

I.) Approval of minutes 7 17 2020, not available today.

II.) Treasurer’s report: balance: $1907.48

July, our balance was $2385.58
Since then we had 3 deposits of $100, $100 & $35 totaling $235.
We have also just paid $713.10 for the plaque for the Cherry Tree project.
This leaves us with a current balance of $1907.48
Lew Patrie


III.) Business

- In memorium donation, $200, to The World Health Organization in memory of Joe Sulock who recently passed away.

- Note recent publications, op-eds and letters to editors by Chapter members:

“Never Again” by Scott Baker, Aug. 10,2020, Transylvania Times; 

“Hiroshima’s Anniversary Reminds Us That Nuclear War is in Sight” Stephen Wall,The Mountaineer, Haywood County, Aug. 2, 2020

“Questions for a Safer Future”, Lew Patrie, Aug. 8.2020,Asheville Citizen Times; 

(The above 3 articles available on WNCPSR Website)

-Committee on Abolition of Nuc Weapons, CAN, Report, Bert Crain; Continued focus on Back from the Brink Campaign, Senate voted down the Sanders Amendment (# 1788) proposing defense cuts and reallocating savings to jobs, education and healthcare needs yet (progress) 25% voted in favor

Action: Bert encouraged us to contact legislators on nuclear weapons issues. Constituent input matters.

-Chapter Leaders Committee Meeting: Report, Terry, Chapter representatives reported briefly on a recent focus. Terry reported on issues related to chapters carrying liability insurance. He summarized comments.

-He noted that most but not all chapters appear to carry liability and directors and officers coverage

- A national staff member indicated that they will discuss the concept of facilitating chapters purchasing coverage.

- Insurance for Chapter Information: Terry reported 

1. Most non-profit organizations have general liability as well as insurance for officers and directors

2. Premiums range from $400 up-to close to $2,000 per year for  PSR chapters

4. Input from other chapters 

5. Input from national office

Recomendation: Terry will obtain a quote for liability insurance as well as Directors and Officers (D&O) from Shepherd Insurance Group 

 - Live-stream hiroshimanagasaki75, - (still available for viewing) WNCPSR participated with  a program with Focus on nuclear weapons.  Thank you to committee:  Ellen, Mary,  Scott, Leslie, Brita, Terry

There were two days (18 hours total) of LIVE-STREAM with more than 25,000 individual views

  • One of the valuable outcomes was forming the coalition and creating a network that can support future collaboration

  • There are a lot of opportunities to expand to new audiences and rally around new campaigns.

-Cherry Tree Project: Tree successfully planted and dedicated with plaque.Dates: planted: December 12 2 19, dedicated 8 6 2020 (organized by Scott Baker, brief presentations, 8 AM at site of tree in downtown Asheville, keynote was a responsive reading (now on website) prepared by Scott. Channel 13 News provided TV coverage. Several members expressed interest in sharing The Cherry Tree Project with other PSR chapters and various groups. Plan:  Further discussion at meetings Post relevant material on website. 

- Scott Baker facilitated  an interview of Kathleen Burkinshaw on NPR radio program, “The State of Things”, by Frank Stasio on 8 7 2020. Kathleen is the author of the novel “The Last Cherry Blossom” based in part on her mothers experience as a child survivor of the bombing of Hiroshima. The  interview with author is available from “The State of Things” at National Public Radio 

 - Organizational Structure: Terry noted that we need to review bylaws, mailing lists, fund raising,  

 Plan: Discuss with board members and establish a committee to work on bylaws and other organizational issues.

  • Phil Bisesi expressed concern about the Combined effects of exposure to radiation as well as air pollution exposure. Plan: Put on agenda for next meeting to learn if the group is interested in looking into this.

  • Concern expressed  regarding the U.S. Postal Service’s struggling situation with cutbacks and political conflicts. Bob Howarth noted that he is preparing a message to send to legislators, friends and family  encouraging all to speak up on behalf of The US Postal Service.

   Plan: Individual address of this issue.

- Irma Howarth expressed the importance of each of us learning about candidates views and importance of all citizens supporting candidates and voting.

Plan: Individual address of this issue. 

-Recommended books: Perhaps consider for a discussion group.

The Last Cherry Blossom” Kathleen Burkinshaw, 

  “Fallout” Leslie Bloom, built on John Hershey’s novel. “Hiroshima” 

 “The Button” The new nuclear arms race and presidential power from Truman to Trump. William Perry el al

Action: Brita moved, Scott seconded proposal for chapter to purchase and donate six copies of the novel, “The Last Cherry Blossom” which is written for audience of middle and high schoolers. Group voted in favor.

- Group voted in favor of purchasing one copy of Wm. Perry’s book. “The Button to donate to public library.

Next meeting: Friday 9/18/2020

Respectfully submitted.

Terry Clark