June 19, 2020
June 19, 2020 Minutes, Western NC Chapter Meeting
Attendees: Lew Patrie, Bert Crain, Scott Baker, Terry Clark, Brita Clark, Mary Olson, Bob Howarth, Irma Howarth, Phil Bisesi, Sallee Detomoso, Ellen Thomas. Unable to attend: Leslie Poplawski I.
Meeting by conference call, structure of meeting reviewed, including muting and unmuting, collect list of names of speakers on a given topic and allocate time for each speakers
II.) Approval of minutes of 5 15 2020 approved as written
III.)Treasurer’s report, Lew Patrie, balance: $2,385.58
IV.) Business 1.) Report: Committee on Abolition of Nuclear Weapons, (CAN), Bert noted that there was discussion on current crises re racial justice as well as covid-19. National office has issued a statements addressing each issue and encourages chapters to continue to address these important matters. Work on Back from the Brink Initiative continues as a core priority concerning nuclear weapons. Bert notes that Ira Helfand noted the importance of keeping an emphasis on nuclear weapons issues.
2.) Report: ONE PSR, Terry notes that several chapters (Los Angeles, Pennsylvania, Chicago, Oregon. Texas) reported on the work they are doing with focus on Social and Racial Justice. Encourage going to their websites for detail.
3.) The hiroshimanagasaki75 commemorative event is planned for August 6th and 9th. Mary Olson serves on the event planning committee. She informs the group of essential information. The organizers want grassroots participation. WNCPSR is listed as a partner on the website. The group today expresses by consensus that we will prepare a proposal for the event on Aug 6 and Aug 9
The website is very informative and includes a tool kit that can be used to write op-eds and other uses.
The organizers want grassroots participation. The form to make a proposal for that participation is: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd3CgVdZ4NcU1qy8- KbTPh4GEoOk6zYA8DuhhS0LD4SFqJhbA/viewform The program we propose can be pre-recorded or presented live-streamed. Group is enthused about putting together a presentation concerning The Cherry Tree Project; also perhaps tied in with the proclamation issued by Asheville City Council addressing nuclear weapons issues. Consensus is that we will pre-record our presentation. Also, we may reach out to author, Kathleen Burkinshaw to do a reading from her work. The time allocation for program is likely 20 minutes. Question briefly addressed re who can help with video recording. Noted that hopefully we can have the cherry tree site plaque/monument installed by then.
DEADLINE for submission of a proposed presentation is July 1st.
Plan: - Submit a proposed presentation before July 1st - Bert, Scott, Brita, Terry, Bob, Leslie, Sallee will help Mary with this project.
4.) Cherry Tree Project. Committee: Scott, Leslie, Brita and Sallee. Discussion regarding landscaping/flowers. Thank you to Dot for recently planting day lilies and placing paper cranes. Landscaping/flowers discussed. Brita and Sallee volunteered to head up the flowers/landscaping program.
Plan: Sallee and Brita will coordinate landscaping.
5.) -Letters and guest columns: Letter sent to National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) from WNCPSR re Y 12 Oak Ridge. The issue concerns construction of new Y12 buildings and that before proceeding, NNSA needs to comply with court order and repeat an Environmental Impact Study that takes into account more recent seismic activity history and earthquake risk including preparedness plans for response to an earthquake.
-Guest Column re 75th Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Plan: Several of the group note that they will prepare and submit letters to editor and/or guest column to the newspapers in Asheville, Hickory and Charlotte.
6.) Request from Jeff Carter re what we are doing to support social justice in our community, and what would we like to see PSR doing, Terry has prepared a draft noting that we maintain our emphasis on nuclear weapons issues as the greatest threat to social justice and respect. Scott and Bert note that nuclear weapons emphasis are the principal reason they participate in PSR. Sallee and Brita concur. Plan: Terry will communicate with Jeff Carter
7.) Collaborative activity with VFP and or Sierra Club to commemorate Hiroshima Nagasaki. Planning events is difficult with the restriction of Covid-19. Some ideas expressed. Plan: Terry will circulate a memo exploring if we can recommend a concrete collaborative activity.
8.) Radio Station : contact information shared. We plan to explore the possibility of assisting with programming re Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August.
WNCPSR has arranged day sponsorship on Blue Ridge Public Radio for Aug 6th and 9th. Plan: Scott will communicate with radio station if he can reach a contact person. Terry will clarify our announcement set for those days.
9.) Request from Woman's Action for New Direction (WAND) for letters to legislators requesting support for the Preserving Leadership Against Nuclear Explosive Testing Act (PLANET ) for letters of support to legislators Dot forwarded. Plan: Terry will follow up with WAND request of letter 10. Nukes in Space- Lew notes that emphasis on this issue occurs in October. Plan: put on agenda for next meeting
10.) Discussion re current format of conference call for our meetings via “Free Conference Call” or consider Zoom. Consensus is to continue with “Free Conference Call”and consider Zoom or other if so desire. Terry notes that with Free Conference Call,it is free yet they would like some donation. It is an organization providing this service to non-profit and volunteer groups.
11.) Next meeting: July 17. 2020
Respectfully submitted,
Terry Clark