February 21, 2020
Minutes WNCPSR February 21, 2020
Attendees: Lew, Scott, Leslie, Mary, Brita, Terry, Bob
Unable to attend: Phil Bisisi, Sallee, Dot, Bert
I.) Minutes January 17, 2020 approved with one correction
II.) Treasurer’s Report
-Lew Patrie has prepared year end 2019 financial report.
Current balance: Feb 20,2020, $2,724.08
Group agreed, we need to update our doners list
and will soon send a fund raising letter, Terry and Lew
-2019 Form 990 has been filed on 2/3/2020, Terry
III. Business
- No letters for group to sign this month
-Cherry Tree Project update, The plaque,
1.) Leslie and Scott will decide on the wording,
3.)Bob will design (and ? who will construct) plaque, likely ceremic tile and concrete
4.)Leslie and Brita will obtain plaque
-Follow-up on item from January meeting re plans for activity in 2020,
-Scott exploring the chapter organizing a music venue; ample lead time will be needed, Mary notes she will help with how to go about setting up a music venue. The plan is to have a music venue that will interest a demographic group that could benefit from information about the threat of nuclear weapons. The plan is to provide brief informational presentations between sets of music.
Plan: Mary and Scott will confer about next steps.
- Scott suggests that we develop a candidates position on nuclear weapons for use in the primaries. The same can be developed for November Congressional and Senate races. Plan, put on agenda for next meeting on 3/20/2020
-Chapter Grant submission due March 6th. Terry will complete. Will ask for help if ne
-CAN Committee Report, Terry briefly noted that the major focus of CAN is to continue to work to abolish nuclear weapons; current focus is obtaining more endorsements of Back from the Brink Campaign
-ONE PSR report, Recent focus is on recruitment of new members. Terry Clark
-Report from Mary Olson regarding her upcoming presentation”The Disproportionate Impact of Gender from Ionizing Radiation and Radiation Regulation” in Geneva, Switzerland The meeting is organized by The International Committee of The Red Cross and Red Crescent and the United Nations. The presentation is sponsored by Gender and Radiation Impact Project (GRIP) and co-sponsored by the Western NC Chapter, Physicians for Social Responsibility.
- Group voted to contribute $200 to help with Mary’s travel expenses.
- Reminder: OREPA sponsored International Conference on Abolition of Nuclear Weapons, May 23-25,Contact OREPA to register
Action: Group voted to contribute $200 to the Oak Ridge Environmental Peace Alliance towards a scholarship for an attendee of the conference
-Announcement: Presentation by Bill McKibben, UNCA, Kimmel Arena, 7 PM, April 2, 2020, free, everyone welcome . UNCA
Recent McKibben op-ed Time Magazine:
Putting Pressure on the Finance World Could Be One of the Most Effective Ways to Fight Climate Change Op-Ed Bill McKibben (TIME, December 19, 2019)
Next meeting: Friday, March 20th
Respectfully submitted,
Terry Clark