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November 12, 2020

Minutes GRIP Board Meeting November 12, 2020 

Gender and Radiation Impact Project Board Meeting

Via Zoom, 

Starting time 2:00PM, ended 3:20 PM

Attendees: Mary Olson,  (board member, acting director), Donna Glee Williams, Nancy Herman, David Lochbaum, Brita Clark, Terry Clark

I.) Check-in with all                                          

II.) Meeting procedural:                                    

Confirmed who is taking notes, (Brita) 

Reviewed and approved minutes of April 30, 2020

Reviewed agenda and invited any additions. One agenda item added, specifically a news report by Mary

II.) - Mission discussion, noted there is need for both a short mission statement as well as a longer version. Group agreed that a committee, (Dave, Mary and Terry) will meet and develop proposed mission statements and present to full board. Action: Dave, Mary and Terry will meet and formulate mission statement, share with full board and we can vote on it next meeting or other convenient time.

News: The National Academy of Science has announced that RERF has taken on as a project, the impact of gender on harm from radiation exposure. This is good news as it brings scientifically solid researchers to address the issue.  

Board members were provided with a packet of documents for their review in advance of this board meeting. Meeting time was allocated for questions or comments of each document. The packet consisted of following documents: 

A.) Financial Report YTD for 2020

B.) Program Report/GRIP Events list

C.) Strategic  Plan

D.) Plan Timeline

E.) Proposed Budget 2021    

A.) Financial Report YTD for 2020 Income / Expense plan. Mary noted that GRIP has utilized Mighty Causes a small amount. It is a platform for raising funds It works by charging a fee based on a percentage of funds raised.    

Mary has put together a challenge grant of $1000 ($600 from Brita and $400 from Mary)   

B.) Director’s Program Report, At this time, the programmatic mission of GRIP is conceptualized as having three parts.

a.) Part one: Education of researchers, research funders, and regulators about the need for more information/study/new research on radiation harm and gendered differences

b.)Part two: Provide a platform for those studying gender and biological sex and radiation impacts to connect with each other via GRIP sponsored symposia, other events, publications, media, etc

c.) Part three: Development of the concept of Reference Little Girl 

  At the founding of GRIP the principle focus/emphasis was to obtain funding for researchers who when sufficiently funded would establish research programs that could build a scientific literature that would support scientifically the harmful impact of radiation with emphasis on the influence of gender. 

C.) 2021 Strategic Plan: GRIP will host an on-line event, Tuesday, December 1, 2020, 7:30 PM to 9:00 PM EST titled Good News in the Dark of the Year with guest speaker, Steve Leeper who will share currently young activists stepping up to address nuclear weapons issues. Mary will talk about Reference Little Girl and the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. As well as announce the $1000 challenge grant and begin on-line fund raising on December 2nd 2020.

Proposed 2021 Budget; Noted need for large donors. Mary working on grant proposals. We all need to be on the lookout for donors. Consider starting a newsletter to make GRIP’s work more widely known. Leads on potential doners need to be explored. 


 ACTION: budget for 2021  approved as written

VIII.) Board development, goals / formalize nominating committee,  ? what did we decide re nominating committee??? or committee of the whole                                                          

IX.) Next meeting, February 11, 2020, 2:00 PM

Respectfully submitted,

Terry Clark   

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