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May 15, 2020

Minutes, WNCPSR Meeting 

May 15, 2020,

Meeting held by conference call. Attendees: Lew Patrie, Bert Crain, John Kelly, Scott Baker, Brita Clark, Terry Clark, Phil Bisesi, Sallee Detomaso, Leslie Poplawski

Unable to attend: Mary Olson, Robert Howarth, Irma Howarth

I. Minutes of April 17, 2020 approved as written

II.) Treasurer’s Report, Lew Patrie, balance $2,324. 08


1.) - Plaque: wording, Leslie and Scott, after a review of comments from several members,developed and presented wording for the plaque be installed accompanying the cherry tree  in downtown Asheville.

This cherry tree is planted on this day, December 2nd 2019 as a living memorial to the victims of the atomic bombs that destroyed the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, August 6 and 9, 1945. Never again.

Western North Carolina Chapter
Physicians for Social Responsibility 

2. Plaque expense: Leslie presented quotes on cost on various plaques. The cost will likely be several hundred dollars. The group concurred that we will install a durable and good quality plaque and  invite donations to help cover the expense. Plan Scott and Leslie will communicate with Bob Howarth re the plaque then they will present a proposal at next month’s meeting.

- Landscaping with flowers at site of plaque. Phil and Sallee offered to do this landscaping and the will present a plan at next month’s meeting. 

3. Commemoration of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Current opportunities include:

 1. Collaboration with Veterans for Peace and Sierra Club re. Commemoration of victims of bombing of Hiroshima & Nagasaki.

Lew reports that Sierra Club as well as VFP members have expressed interest in collaboration on a commemoration of the victims of the two nuclear bombings. Action: group concurred we would like to collaborate on the commemoration. Some suggested a lanterrn event at Vance Memorial Monument. ( I think the pool is no longer there?)  

Scott has put in phone calls WCQS and BRPR about doing a program on radio to commemorate victims of the bombings. Scott reported that he has not yet received a reply  from BRPR radion station. Phil noted that he has contact information of a board member who perhaps could facilitate communication regarding requesting time on radio. He will share this contact information with Scott. 

Terry noted that he and Brita have arranged for WNCPSR to be the day sponsor at BRPR on Aug 6th and 9th and  he will contact the station and find out length of message we may be able to communicate as well as learn who we contact about request to do programing re Hiroshima/Nagasaki.

Leslie noted she would like to do an uplifting message. 

Another consideration is a lantern floating event.

3.) Committee on Abolition of Nuclear Weapons (CAN) Report, Bert noted  encouragement of collaborative work and utilization of Back from the Brink inniative. Bert notes the importance of voicing support of Renewal of the New Start Treaty. HR 2529, S2394

4.) One PSR 4/29/20 and 5/13/20. Terry gave report

3.) How to address PSR priority issues in context of pandemic.

From PSR San Francisco Bay April Newsletter (full article forwarded)

Article that reframes address of our priority issues in the context of the reality of the covid pandemic. It points out that the the covid -19  crisis is challenging U.S. individualism and self determination in ways we have not seen since WW II. The pandemic has revealed our weaknesses in failing to recognize that we are a community of shared and finite space,air, water and resources. As such, the crisis provides an opportunity for Americans to shift towards a deeper understanding of the benefits of social support and public health, medical and scientific research and a healthy environment. It is clear that economic inequality limits our resilence as a society to face crisis. This reframing supports the importance for us to advocate for strategies to fight for the most vunerable and improve economic inequality and health. It supports the logic of humanely, programatically and financially addressing inequality and preparedness rather than building more nuclear weapons. 


Next meeting June 19th by phone conference call.

Respectfully submitted,

Terry Clark

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