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April 19, 2024

Minutes of PSR-Western North Carolina Chapter
April 19, 2024
Present: Brita and Terry Clark, Leslie P., Phil B., Sally T., Scott B., Lew and Lynn Patrie, Dot S.,
Bob H., Bert C.

Brita Clark called the meeting to order, and the minutes of the March 15 meeting were approved.

Bert gave the treasurer’s report. We have $3909 in our account.

Scott emphasized that Ploughshares is a contributor to PSR and that we need to justify funding by keeping PSR National informed about what we do.
Phil is concerned about global warming and the importance of renewable energy. UCS is more
active than PSR informing the public of this issue although PSR does inform to some degree.

Leslie extolled the success of the uranium film festival and was congratulated and thanked for all her hard work. Scott emphasized the importance of starting early on big projects.

Terry informed us that we do have 501C-3 status. He is working on the 2023 IRS 990 form. It is complicated and we agreed to pay for an accountant to help. Bob H. knows an accountant who may be helpful.

Terry summarized all the important things we did in 2023 to send to National. They included a
Hiroshima Day vigil, Letters to the Dept. of Energy to support the group in Irwin Tennessee trying to prevent uranium enrichment at the plant in their community, numerous letters to all our congressional reps.,

Brita’s potted plant project which has proved popular as an educational tool, numerous op-eds. and LTEs in newspapers and efforts to recruit younger members.

Bert gave a summary of the April CAN conference emphasizing the importance of House Resolution 77 and emphasizing nuclear deterrence as a flawed concept. The whole nuclear project cost the U.S. 93 billion dollars last year. That money could serve many urgent needs.

Gaza was deliberated at the CAN conference.
We talked about the horrors of Gaza and the difficulties of dealing with unrestrained Zionism. Scott stressed that these horrors would pale compared to the horrors of nuclear conflict.

We discussed the possible need for revision of our website. Bob H thought it was OK as it is.

Next meeting will be 17 May.
Bert Crain