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August 16, 2024

PSR-Western N.C. Chapter

Minutes 8/16/24 Meeting

Present: Brita and Terry Clark, Rachel Bliss, Charles Mahan, Scott Baker, Phil B., Sally T, Dot S., Bert C.

We received letter from President Biden in reply to ours and he acknowledged our concerns about nuclear weapons and the current tense international climate. We received a letter from Senator Tillis who expressed his concern about nuclear proliferation and his support for S. Res. 593.  Dot brought 18 letters to federal executives and legislators for signing stressing the continued danger of nuclear weapons and our previous efforts asking for their attention.

The July minutes were approved.

Treasurer’s Report: one debit of $200 for a Balance of $3529

We discussed the sheer folly of building the Sentinel ICBM; this weapon benefits only the defense contractors and increases the danger rather than making us safer.

Bert summarized the August CAN committee meeting. Representative Jim McGovern-D. Mass.- will conduct a special-order session in the house devoted to nuclear weapons discussion. This is tentatively scheduled for Sept. 26. There is a national book club being started to discuss Annie Jacobsen’s book: Nuclear War- A Scenario. NPR and libraries will get a discussion guide. ICAN is promoting an International Week of Action for Elimination of Nuclear Weapons Sept. 16-22. The National Academy of Science will have a report out at year end on the environmental impact of nuclear war. IPPNW will have a world congress in Nagasaki in 2025, the 80th anniversary of the atomic bombings.

Rachell Bliss gave us details of the WNC Intl. Peace Day-Sat. Sept 21-11 am at Land of Sky UCC Church. This is sponsored by WNC4Peace and Veterans for Peace. We voted to endorse a proclamation for peace. We voted to name Leslie Poplawski as our peacemaker of the year and Mary Olson named as Health Hero per PSR National’s request. Terry will investigate further.

Brita distributed 85 plants at the August 9th Nagasaki vigil with 20+ in attendance.

We discussed the horrible situation in Gaza and Scott made an approved motion to give up to $1000 to run newspaper notices calling for an immediate cease-fire. 

Next meeting will be 20 September.

Bert Crain