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March 15, 2024

 Minutes WNCPSR March 15, 2024

 Attendees, Bert Crain,Scott Baker, Bob Howarth, Irma Howarth, Leslie Poplawskie,  Phil Bisesi, Sallee DeTomaso. Dot Sulock, Brita Clark, Terry Clark

Charlie Mahan -unable to attend: Lew Patrie, Mary Olson, Scott Mahan

I.) Minutes of 2/16/24 reviewed and approved as written

II.) Treasurer’s report, Bert Crain

III.) Report on the Committee on The Abolition of Nuclear Weapons. Bert Crain, Continued committee focus and progress of increased support on Back from the Brink Campaign and support of House Resolution 77. Concern expressed re the world situation including increased risk of the use of nuclear weapons.

IV.) Report from Climate Change Working Group, Scott Mahan, chairman, unable to attend however submitted a  Working Group Mission Statement mission, as attached. The group voted unanimously in support of establishing it as the WNCPSR Climate Change Working Group Mission Statement(see attached). Scott also recently requested members to submit articles for the Spring WNCPSR Newsletter.

V.) International Uranium Film Festival. Update on preparation for the film festival on March 23,24. Leslie Poplawskie, coordinator , Dot Sulock.

Leslie noted the addition of more sponsors, specifically Veterans for Peace, OREPA

VI.) Resources available:

1. Oppenheimer advocacy tool kit “Back from The Brink”  is available on the Back From the Brink Website website https:prevent nuclear

2.) Nuclear Threat Initiative has made  available material on the prevention of nuclear war.

3. Series of Opinion Page articles in the New York Times

 about nuclear weapons issues and the current increased risk of their military use.

Next meeting: April 19, 2024 

Terry Clark