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April 17, 2009

Minutes of WNCPSR meeting, Leah Karpen's home, noon, Friday, April 17, 2009 (Asheville, NC), held there due to uncertainty of Lew's attendance.

PRESENT: Bob and Irma Howarth, Leah Karpen, John Joyner, Laura Sorenson, Tim Takaro, Don Richardson, and a belated Lew Patrie after attending to wife Jeanne who is post-op from lower back fusion and doing well.

PROGRAM: Laura Sorenson showed her maiden film effort from the Oak Ridge Peace Alliance action of April 7, 2009.

MINUTES of the March, 2009 meeting were approved.

TREASURER'S REPORT: John Joyner said that we have a current balance of $909.32 following the fundraiser which yielded $430. This is all PSR money and we have no funds being held for other organization(s).

Leah Karpen requested that we all make an effort to recruit two new members for WNCPSR.


  • Laura has a copy of the film "Chernobyl Hearts" and will seek a venue for a showing. It's 30 minutes long, and emphasizes the effects of the 1986 accident on children. Leah offered to show it on her antique TV April 24 at 2 PM.
  • Leah will contact Dot Sulock at UNCA re possible program at the Blue Ridge Assembly, tentatively on July 24 Friday at 2 PM. The topic is on nuclear disarmament. Tom Coulson is another possible source for this program.
  • Leah was contacted by Bill McKibben re signing on for a Climate Change Day program and is awaiting more information.
  • WNCPSR is considering a booth at the SEEExpo in August, and whether we can share expenses with other groups at a joint booth, maybe CSNC and NIRS. We may make a decision at next month's meeting.
  • Laura will attend the training session in Charlotte for the demonstration against the Cliffside coal plant, date is April 19th for the training session. The demonstrators plan to march to Governor Beverly Perdue's Charlotte office to deliver a Call to Conscience, and then to march to the Duke Energy office.
  • Don will show the film "SCARRED LANDS, WOUNDED LIVES: THE ENVIRONMENTAL FOOTPRINT OF WAR"  in Brevard, at the Transylvania County Library, May 9 at 2 PM.

The meeting was adjourned at 2 PM. Next meeting is at the UU church May 15, 2009, noon for bag lunch and 12:30 for business.

Don Richardson, Acting Secretary

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