October 16, 2009
Mary discussed possibility of a different meeting format, which she
is pursuing with Laura Sorensen.
The minutes of the September meeting were approved with a few changes suggested by Jim Roush --"course" instead of "meeting" re the UN program he is conducting--.
Treasurer's report: From John Joyner in absentia, no change from
prior balance of $1054.32.
Mary Olson has been invited to address the Sierra Club in
Hendersonville, Nov. 19
The Asheville Citizen-Times published instaletters from Lew and Leah
on 10-9 and 10-13 respectively:
(Lew) Yes, we need health insurance reform, but adequate medical
care won't raise America's dismal health ranking, as much as
narrowing the economic chasm between ourwealthiest and poorest citizens, who are consistently sicker and die prematurely. Measures which would restore the middle class and address
poverty, should be high priority.
(Leah) The space program is out of control. Someone authorized
spending about $80 million to shoot a rocket onto the moon. Scientifically the results were disappointing. The timehas come for taxpayers to demand accountability and apeaceful space program.
Several members have called our NC Senators for the Don't Nuke The
Climate call-in.
Leah noted that Dot Sulock has been featured in the Oct. 2009 VERVE
magazine with an article titled "Socially Responsible Math."
Don showed RETHINK AFGHANISTAN at his home to a Transylvanians For a
Peace group in September, and had an article on the health care
debate in The Transylvania Times.
We promoted the Oct. 23 Wild and Scenic 350 film festival at UNCA
Oct. 24, and 350 Asheville Climate Action in support of global action
for real progress in December at Copenhagen.
Leah announced the Oct. 24 concert for UN Day, at Warren Wilson
College, sponsored by UN Association of WNC.
Leah also noted the Southeast Appalachian Man & the Biosphere
Conference (SAMAB)at Asheville's Crown Plaza Resort, Nov. 17-19, and
Mary cited a meeting on radiation in progress, no details yet.
Mary departs for Chapel Hill shortly to attend a youth-led climate
movement event.
Leah and Laura Sorensen are working on WNCPSR sponsored "Weapons in
Space" program to be Thursday, Mar. 25 , possibly at UNCA's Reuter
Center, with guest lecturer, Karl Grossman, an investigative
journalist who has been working on space issues for 20 years & is a
founding member of Global Network Vs. Weapons & Nuclear Power in
Space. We explored fundraising (for travel, housing & other expenses)
& promotional activities; eg. WNCPSR solicitation, fundraising
dinner, recorded interviews on WCQS and/or WNCW, other possible
cosponsors, like UNA, American Meteorological Society. .
Mary noted a few (of many) recent "events" at nuclear reactors: a
crack in Progress Energy's reactor at Crystal River, FL (same design
as TMI) and rejection of a Westinghouse AP 1000 design which fails to
meet safety standards and negatively affects 7 proposed reactor
sites. Mary will be involved in an intervention in Florida (when?),
armed with this ammo.
Nov. meeting: at NIRS on 11/20, noon for informal lunch with program
to be determined.
Dec. meeting: to be an evening "party" 12/17 (not 11/17) at
Leah's. Details to be worked out.
The meeting was adjourned at 1:50 PM.
Don Richardson, Sec. with Lew's editorial adjustments.