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November 20, 2009

WNCPSR Meeting Minutes, 11/ 20/09, Meeting hosted by Mary Olson atthe NIRS (Nuclsear Information and Resouce Service) South east regional office,43 Riverview Dr., AVL, N.C.
Present: Stan Dienst, Brita Clark, Mary Olson (hostess), Lew Patrie, Leah Karpen, John Joyner, Don Richardson, and Steven Gilmer (first timer, see his nice followup letter posted under news)

Leah circulated petitions (CEDAW) for signing regarding rights of women.

There was discussion about changing the format of our meetings.
Henceforth we will have the business meeting first, following
12:00-12:30 lunch, with program afterward, so early leavers get full
benefit of the business meeting.

Today, however, we began with a 20 min. showing of Monty Hempel's film
"Between Two Worlds" depicting alarming trends in today's world: from
3% living in cities in 1800 to 50+% today; US producing 1/4 of the
world's garbage; destruction of our ecosystems for short term profits
accruing to an elite minority; increasing poverty (despite UN efforts)
with 1 billion living in desperate conditions in a world of 6.8
billion, and other facts and pictures (tending to ruin our lunches).

Introductions: in addition to our regulars Steven L. Gilman joined us,
a recent addition to the Asheville community, a Project Manager for IBM
specializing in Quality Assurance.

Don's Oct. meeting minutes, with minor changes by Lew, were passed with 2 corrections, party date is Dec. 17th and Mary & Brita are part of the
Weapons in Space working group.

Treasurer's Report: John Joyner reported no change since Sept., 
balance = $1054.32.

Recent Events:
Mary delivered a talk to Sierra Club group on Nuclear Transport last
night, November 19, at Hendersonville Library, well received with no
tomatoes thrown. Don will talk to the same group about radiation
effects of human & other bodies on Jan.12.
Lew reported on the recent National PSR teleconference. Our chapter
contact, Ira Shorr, is leaving PSR in Feb. There have been reports that
Will Callaway, PSR liaison to The Hill, is also en route to
other pastures.
Lew handed out copies of his recent Op-Ed to the Asheville
Citizen-Times, a beautifully written piece which brought the editor to
her knees. (posted on this web page under "News")
Lew also gave a statement on the EIS at the Y-12 hearing on 11/17. 
Some 60 people testified, overwhelmingly against further nuclear bomb

Also a flyer, "New Bomb Plan OR Nuclear Weapon  Free Future."
The flyer announces two impending events:
1-  Claim The Future, DISARM NOW, an April 10, 2010 action
at the Y-12 Nuclear Weapons Complex in Oak Ridge, sponsored by the Oak
Ridge Environmental Peace Alliance,

2-  Resistance For a Nuclear free Future, also at the Y-12
Complex on July 3-5, 2010. Go to or
In reference to last night's program at the Hendersonville Library,
Mary discussed Barbara Barnett's organizing against a proposed cluster
of nukes and coal plants on the Broad River within 50 miles of
Hendersonville. These would be upriver from Columbia, which should
incite great opposition. This is ongoing.
Mary circulated a copy of Ken Butcher's new novel "The MIddle of the
Air," which accurately depicts the hijacking of a nuclear truck in our
area, among other events.
Don had a satyrical piece on American Imperialism in his local Brevard
paper last wk.
Upcoming Events:
A possible meeting with our congressman, Heath Shuler, during the
upcoming  congressional recess was discussed. Don has been trying to
get an appointment with Chad Eaton or Myrna Campbell on our issues, and
will press on with this and get several members together when a date is
set. One major issue is the shipment of radioactive materials through
our area to Savannah River Site/Barnwell.
Leah, Mary and Brita have been meeting re the Karl Grossman event
scheduled for the Reuter Center at UNCA for 7PM, March 25, 2010. Cost
is $200 for the room and $25 for use of the lobby. They will be
soliciting local organizations for co-sponsorship. Mary suggests a
broad letter announcing the event, including chapter activities, as a
fundraiser. A pre-meeting dinner was discussed. Motion made by Brita &
approved, to authorize (empower) Mary to arrange design and production
of a flyer, subject to Stan's review, cost up to $50 for design, plus
additonal cost for printing. The letter stuffing party will be at Lew's
home on December 30 at 2 PM.

Stan discussed future uses of our website. (Attachment handed out).
Stan favors adding short pieces on pertinent subjects by our members.                                  
Don and Lew are possible writers as they are compulsive LTE contributors.
To be discussed.
Leah wants us to be more positive in our activities instead of being
congenitally opposed to the bad things. Mary suggested we could support
"NC SAVE". and this will be discussed  at a future meeting.  

Meeting adjourned at 2:10 PM.
Next meeting is the Christmas Party at Leah's, December 17,  6:30 PM. 
January meeting on the15th at noon, NIRS office.

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September Monthly Meeting Sep 20, 2024 12:00 PM - 02:00 PM — First Congregational United Church of Christ
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