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May 16, 2009

Discussion summaries: The United Nations disarmament activities, pending congressional clean renewable and nuclear energy legislation, a variety of new films for presentations and upcoming PSR sponsored activities.

Present: Tim Takaro, Ellen Thomas, Jay Marx, Leah Karpen, Gene Rosenberg, Lew Patrie, Dr Amir Neshat, Susan Oehler, Don Richarrdson, Laura Sorensen, Mary Olson; (note her new email address:

Following 12 o'clock bag lunches , Lew showed Laura Sorensen's film CHERNOBYL HEARTS, about the severe health problems suffered by the children in the Chernobyl region following the nuclear reactor accident of April 26,1986. Mary Olson and others will be looking for other venues for this film.

Minutes of the April meeting were approved.

Treasurer's report: (In John Joyner's absence), the balance is $959.32
Expenses for 2008 reported by Lew as follows:
Jan 22nd Totsie web site design and one year of hosting $740
June 17th SEEEXPO PSR Registration $200
Dec 10th North Carolina Conservation Network dues $ 30
Dec 10th 2009 Hosting for web site $331.36
*There was also some pass through money in and out of the account:
No more victims (Rusul) $900
CSNC SEEEXPO Registration $300

Ellen Thomas reported that she was among many at the UN in NYC last week.
She has three films of interest:
1) THE STRANGEST DREAM, about Jeseph Rotblatt and Pugwash
This latter disc was produced by her late husband. The films are available for our use. Ellen handed out flyers which detail Proposition One. Several members plan to copy it for local distribution.

Susan recommended a film regarding the 9/11 widows who joined to help women in
Afghanistan. The title is, "BEYOND BELIEF."

Jay Marx discussed the prospects for nuclear disarmament. Mary Olson appealed to the group to write letters to the editors of local papers on disarmament and non-proliferation. It was agreed to set up a meeting with Congressman Shuler's Asheville office ASAP on these issues, since he may be a key House vote. Don agreed to arrange the meeting and notify everyone as to the time and date.

Mary also brought up the recent NIRS Alert: "The Clean Energy Development Act" (and Bank). Unfortunately this bill in the House has become not just a clean energy/renewablees bill. It includes nuclear construction in its budget and therefore is open-ended , with no limits on nuclear power susbsidies. (A subsequent amendment has limited the amount for any one energy source to 30%). This will be the focus of our meeting with Heath Shuler's office here in Asheville. Comments maybe directed to :
Proposition One Committee at PO BOX 27217, Washington, D.C. 20038.

Leah brought up the upcoming WNCPSR sponsored event at The Blue Ridge Assembly, which will be hosted by Dot Sulock, who will select a panel for July 24th at 3-4:30pm.

There was discussion about a possible Hiroshima/Nagasaki Days action for the August 6-9 period. We are considering a local program at Pritchard Park. possibly showing the film, "THE STRANGEST DREAM" as suggested by Jay Marx. Laura will investigate a possible bus trip to Oak Ridge, which we have done so many times over the years. We do have several months to decide.

The meeting was adjourned at 2:10pm.
Don Richardson, recording

Lew PatrieĀ  (828) 299-1242

Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are abound together. All things connect.

Chief Seattle

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