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January 15, 2016

Minutes WNCPSR Meeting                        
January 15, 2016

Present: Lew Patrie, Robert Howarth, Steve Gilman, Stan Dienst, Phil Bisesi, Brita Clark, Terry Clark, Rachel Bliss

I. Minutes of December meeting (12-18-15) reviewed and approved.

II. Treasurer’s report, Lew Patrie
Balance: $1,703.96

III. Business:
- Action noted: The WNCPSR Chapter co-signed a 1/15/16 letter, drafted by the NC Conservation Network to Donald R. van der Vaart, Secretary NC Department of Environmental Quality, to register opposition to the North Carolina’s draft plan to implement the rules promulgated by the   Clean Power Plan.
- Presentation on Climate Change, Stan Dienst, discussion regarding presentation.
Action: Explore venues for presentation. Various group members.

Committee reports:
OREPA Support Committee met on 1/11/16.
Actions taken: Committee name change to Nuclear Weapons Committee (NWC) or other name, tabled for further consideration
1. Future Guest Articles, topics, writers, 2016 Election emphasis:
Action: Bob will communicate with the Asheville Citizen Times regarding our group submitting a series of guest editorials on nuclear weapons and related issues.
Action: Bob will draft a guest column concerning the Obama Administration’s current proposal to build a new nuclear air-launched cruise missile
Action: Lew will draft a guest column concerning war
Action: Terry will draft a letter to WNCPSR members & supporters reporting Chapter 2015 activities and encourage financial support for OREPA.

Membership Committee, no report
Security Committee: recommend New York Times article, 1/11/16, “As US Modernizes Nuclear Weapons, “Smaller” leaves Some Uneasy” as well as 12/15/15 letter from Senator Markey and six other senators, to President Obama urging him to reconsider plans to build 1000 new nuclear cruise missiles and other destabilizing developments of nuclear weapons.

- Meetings with legislators, action- Terry and Brita will make appointments to meet with staff or legislator, senate and congressional

- Business cards, Action:  we will stay with current business cards

- Report by Rachel Bliss, (WNC 4 Peace), regarding planning for celebration of International Peace Day, September 21st 2016. Action: Group is supportive of this event. We will give a $50 donation to help support the event.  

- Plan for a WNCPSR event, Action: we will discuss in February meeting

- Recruitment of new members, outreach, Action: tabled until next meeting

- Announcement: Public comment is invited at a meeting of the U.S. Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board Meeting in Knoxville TN on Feb 17, 2016 regarding use, transport and storage of high-burnup spent nuclear fuel. (More radioactive than other spent nuclear fuel) Action:  no decision made regarding attending yet some may be open to consider attending.

- Next WNCPSR meeting Friday, February 19, 2016 at The First Congregational Church of Christ, 20 Oak St, Asheville

Respectfully submitted,

Terry Clark