You are here: Home / Meeting Minutes / 2016 Minutes / October 21, 2016

October 21, 2016

Minutes WNCPSR 10 21 16
Attendees: Terry Clark, Lew Patrie, Steve Gilman, Mary Olson, Bob Howarth, Irma Howarth

I Review and approval of September minutes

II Financial Report, Balance $2,074.67

III Business

  • Nuclear Weapons Awareness Committee Report – Bob Howarth, update on planned submission of op-eds to newspaper
  • Report on successful visit by Alan Lockwood during Sept 26 thru Sept 29th. He addressed the topic of climate change and presented his new book, which addresses climate change. His message was well received and generated interest and discussion. Major presentation held at The Collider, with 180 attendees, Warren Wilson College, (20 Attendees), University of North Carolina, Asheville,(86 attendees), Pomadoros’, luncheon (9 attendees), City Lights Book Store, Sylva, NC, (12 attendees).  Total of 307 people attended the meetings. Alan was interviewed by WCQS public radio newscaster, Helen Chickering.
  • National board report- note on search for Executive Director, Steve Gilman
  • Executive Committee, no report
  • One PSR committee, identifying expert resources, PSR and others, Terry
  • Announcement, a Moral Monday rally will be held in Asheville on 10/24/16, several members plan to attend. Lew Patrie is developing a handout regarding nuclear weapons.
  • Our chapter is working along with Asheville Veterans for Peace Chapter organizing a vigil for  FP, PSR vigil 10/25/16.   5 PM Vance Memorial. Lew is preparing a handout on nuclear weapons issues with emphasis on promoting a no first use policy and humanitarian consequences of nuclear war.

Announcement- Chapter leader’s meeting- Los Angeles March 31- April 2.

Building Chapter Capacity, facilitated by Peter Wilk, Catherine Thomasson, Bruce Amundsen.
First meeting was in July, second meeting planned.

Goals of this series include:

  1. Building our Base: Recruiting and organizing Members
  2. Moving PSR into the 21st Century (i.e. moving the needle to invigorate the organization as a whole.
  3. Developing the nuclear/climate nexus: How Climate Threatens our Security
  4. Supporting and Growing Chapter Capacity
  5. Building PSR’s role in the community: How do we grow PSR by reconnecting to the grass roots?

Meeting adjourned at 2:00 PM

Next meeting, November 18, 2016

Respectfully submitted, Terry Clark

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