November 18, 2016
November 18, 2016
WNCPSR Chapter Meeting 11/ 18 /16
Present: Steve Gilman, Lew Patrie, Kitty Boniske, Brita Clark, Terry Clark, Dot Sulock, Mary Olson, Bert Crain, Phil Bisesi, Phillip Neiheisel
1.) Approval of minutes of 10/21/16 with one correction, adding names of attendees
2.) Treasurers report Lew Patrie: balance: $2074.67 Reimbursement of expenses, done
3.) Business
Mary Olson shared her presentation that she delivered November 2016, at The European Union Gender Summit in Brussels.
Title: Atomic Radiation More Harmful to Girls and Women
Action: Explore other venues where Mary Olson can make this presentation
4.) National Board meeting, November 2016, report provided by Steve Gilman Steve announced that Jeff Carter is the new Executive Director of PSR
5.) Nuclear Weapons Committee report, Bob Howarth
Guest Articles & Letters to Editor Status; Planning for 2017 Awareness Raising: Action: The AVL C-T Guest Article by Lew Patrie was published Oct. 23; the next article, by Bert Crain is scheduled for Nov. 27 publication. A Dec. article, by Bob Howarth is slated for Dec. 25. An updated PUBLICATION GUIDELINES with additional information for our writers was distributed on Oct.18.
The committee proposes continuing these publications for 2017 with emphasis of putting the heat on legislators & the new president. Also proposed is resurrection of Lobby Teams to visit legislators or their representatives re nukes. Additional lobbyists would be sought via appeal to our supporting members – those volunteering will be paired with our more experienced members for several visits for training and then encouraged to continue semi-independently. Some may want to join us as Chapter Core members. Letter to supporting members, Action: Terry will draft.
Status, U.N. Open Ended Working Group (OEWG):
123 U.N. member nations have voted to work towards banning nuclear weapons in 2017 – except for N. Korea, all nuclear weapons nations (led by U.S.) voted against this action. The formation of OEWG is not subject to the Security Council.
6.) OREPA Update: The OREPA NEWS of Oct. 2016 was discussed – 2 items of particular interest are: (see for more on these) a.) The Future of Life Institute has created the “Trillion Dollar Nuke” app which allows users to decide how to use those funds for more useful things over the next 30 years. Mobile & desktop versions are available at Bob will attempt to download. b.) OPREPA & The Episcopal Peace Fellowship sponsored Marion Keupker of Hamburg, Germany to speak in Knoxville on Nov. 7, 2016 regarding how Germans feel about the U.S. nuclear weapons that are stationed in Germany & Europe.
7.) Action: Meet with new editorial page editor, Casey Blake, Asheville Citizen Times, need to set up. Bob will arrange.
8.) Action: Meetings with legislators Mark Meadows, Burr others. Brita will arrange.
9.) One PSR report: Noted that the Social Concerns Committee of PSR, National is increasingly active, Terry
10.) Executive Committee report –none Listening Project consideration: not covered
8) Webinar 10-11 AM, Dec 1st by NC Conservation Network. Environmental Justice Policy Guidance to Support Your Work will be an opportunity to learn how you can examine your organization’s issue work through an environmental justice policy lens.
11.) Activities of past month:
- Guest editorial published in Asheville Citizen Times, Lew Patrie, Oct 23rd, 2016
- Veterans for Peace/WNCPSR vigil, October 25th, 2016, Vance Memorial
- Moral Monday, 10/24/16 distributed fliers announcing vigil
- Steve Gilman attended national board meeting
- Terry co-taught (Dot Sulock, teacher), a course at the college for seniors, “Making the World a Safer Place” re nuclear weapons issues. Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLIE)
12. Next meeting Friday 12-16-16. Cancelled. Next meeting will be set for January.
Respectfully Submitted – Terry Clark and Bob Howarth