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August 19, 2016

Minutes, WNCPSR, Aug.19, 2016

Attendees: Lewis Patrie, Steven Gilman, Bob Howarth, Bert Crain, Terrence Clark, Brita Clark, Dot Sulock, Phillip Bisesi (late arrival).

I.)  Minutes of the July 15, 2016 meeting approved.

II.)  Treasurer’s Report : 8/19/16 Lew Patrie, Treasurer

May 16 Balance  $2548.87
Check 1142  $648.80

June 14 Balance  $1903.07
Deposit  $100

July 15 Balance $2003.07
Check 1144  $500

August 17 Balance $1503.07
III.)  Business:

  • Alan Lockwood visit, Terry submitted a draft outline of visit. Draft reviewed. The need for additional support, possibly hiring a program organizer and/or a dedicated committee was recognized. Budget concerns discussed. Action: Dot Sulock volunteered to coordinate Lockwood visit preparations in conjunction with Terry.
  • Nuclear Weapons Committee Report: Given by Bob Howarth (see report).
  • Report from national board: Given by Steve Gilman
  • Citizens United and our Chapter position: This item tabled for future meeting.
  • “Board” designation - Terry requested approval of calling our Chapter core attendees the “Board” rather than “steering committee” in part for convenience in communicating with PSR National.  This was conditionally approved pending a review of Chapter minutes & policy already established on this matter. Lew Patrie agreed to do this review of prior minutes and policy decisions re “steering committee membership”.
  • Presider duties were then assumed by Brita Clark as Chair Terry departed at 1:18 PM to attend a previous appointment commitment.
  • Executive Committee - No report.
  • Financial policy & procedures/WNCPSR Chapter - Draft of these recently sent to core members for review. No action, we need to review this material and establish written policy. Action Refer to executive committee?
  • Activities Report - Lew, Dot, Bob & Terry participated with Veterans for Peace at the Aug. 9 Nagasaki Memorial Vigil at Vance Monument - comments shared.
  • Fund Raising Letter – Lew and Terry will prepare and send out a fundraising letter.   
  • Dot Sulock shared that The Nuclear Age Peace Foundation has a link re the 7 Actions that President Obama could by presidential action re nuclear weapons. This may be helpful material for our efforts on Raising Awareness re nuclear weapons.
  • Phil reported on plans to host our Sept. chapter meeting on Sat.Sept.17 at his home in Black Mountain, followed by lunch and informal discussion & visiting.  

Respectfully submitted,
Terry Clark, Chair, WNCPSR