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February 19, 2016

Minutes, WNC/PSR Meeting,
February 19, 2016

Attendees: Lew Patrie, Steve Gilman, Stan Dienst, Bert Crain, Phil Bisesi, Terry Clark


I.    The group Approved  the  minutes January 15, 2016 as written

II.    Treasurers report: balance, $1,703.96

III.     Business:
The Union of Concerned Scientists encourages organization to encourage presidential candidates to address nuclear weapons issues.
Action: Bert Crain will prepare a letter

The NC Utilities Commission is considering the Duke-Progress Energy proposal to build a third natural gas generator at the Arden Plant, Action:
Terry Clark will write a letter on behalf of WNC/PSR to the Utilities Commission, requesting that they deny the request to build a third generator and encourage the commission to request Duke-Progress Energy to focus on development of renewable energy sources.

Stan Dienst gave us an update on his presentation on Global Climate Change.

Report Nuclear Weapons committee
*  From Oct. 2015 to present  we have had 5 Guest Articles plus 1 Letter to Editor published in AVL C-T.
*  Terry attended Rep. Meadows Open House, posed question, followed up with letter to Meadows.
*  A letter re the Dec. 15, 2016 letter from 7 U.S. Senators is in preparation  by Bob H.
*  A State of the Chapter letter to all WNCPSR supporters is in draft preparation by Terry.
*  Lew's current draft , takes off on Brita's Guest Article.
*  Stan's Climate Change presentation scheduled for April 15, 2016 (if he doesn't mention it).

Chapter grant request – Terry will complete

Executive Committee:  
Noted that WNC/PSR signed-on to Senate Coal Ash bill opposition letter, initiated by Earth Justice, 1 28 16
Noted that WNC/PSR signed-on to PSR letter to governors regarding Clean Power Plan
Membership committee, no report due to time constraint

One PSR report: Noted that the Clean Power Plan has been suspended, by action of the DC district court. The Supreme Court is a year away from hearing the case. Some states are moving forward and implementing components of the plan, others states including North Carolina are suing. Action; Noted that several PSR Chapters are participating in a program, “Clean Energy Saves Lives”. WNCPS can consider participating in this program. Plan: Further discussion

Meeting with Legislators, need to set. Further discussing and planning
Meeting ended at 2 PM

Next Chapter meeting: 3/17/16