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July 15, 2016

Minutes WNCPSR Meeting, July 15, 2016
Attendees: Lew Patrie, Robert Howarth, , Stan Dienst, Brad Dienst, Brita Clark, Terry Clark, Mary Olson, Bert Crain, Phil Bisesi   Unable to attend: Steve Gilman

 I.    Review and approval of June 17 minutes as written.
 II.    Treasurers report, Lew Patrie balance $2003.07
 III.    Business

  • Action: group unanimously voted to host Climate Change presentations by Alan Lockwood, M.D., in September or October 2016. Terry will communicate this to Barbara Gottlieb.
  • Action: Group unanimously voted to attend a vigil with Veterans for Peace to commemorate Hiroshima Nagasaki on Monday, August 9, 5:00 PM, at Vance Memorial, downtown Asheville.
  • Action: If you plan to attend the Hiroshima/Nagasaki commemorative rally at Oak Ridge on Saturday, August 6th then contact other PSR members to explore arranging carpooling.

    Nuclear Weapons Committee Report, attached, Bob Howarth
  • Action: Dr. Patrie has drafted two separate letters from the chapter to President Obama requesting executive presidential action on nuclear weapons issues and for cc to others.
  • Action: Dr. Patrie will work further on the letter and assess suggested editing.

Shipments of high level nuclear waste through North Carolina.

  • Mary Olson reported that shipments of high level nuclear waste are planned thru NC.  Plan: Mary will be available for public discussion of this issue on August 1st, at The Block on Eagle St. in downtown Asheville; we will help publicize the discussion at The Block.

Recent guest editorials:

  • Brita, 7 3 16 Asheville Citizen Times, Climate Change, Health Implications.  Frances Lamberts, letter on Zika virus in Johnson City, Press of Tennessee quotes information from PSR.

The group reviewed an appeal from The Oak Ridge Environmental Peace Alliance for financial support of litigation they plan seeking to compel the NNSA to prepare a full site-wide Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) before continuation of the UPF construction and up-grading of several old buildings at the Y-12 Site. The litigation is being brought so that NNSA further considers seismic and other risks related to the revised construction plans.

  • Action: The group voted unanimously for the chapter to donate $500 to OREPA.

Fundraising,   The group voted unanimously to raise funds.

  • Action: Terry will prepare a fundraising letter.   

Webinar by PSR on chapter development, July, 20, 2016, 2 PM, Bert Crain and Terry Clark will participate.

International Peace Day, September 21,

  • Action: Phil Bisesi volunteers to do tabling at the event and we need to learn if Steve Gilman can participate again in this event. Also contact Rachel Bliss re details for this year’s event.

FYI, (done), WNCPSR provided a report of PSR activity in NC to PSR, National, to support their application for funding from the Earthshare/Combined Federal Fund for 2016.

Meeting adjourned at 2 PM

Next meeting: August 19, 2016

Respectfully submitted,
Terry Clark

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