May 20, 2016
Minutes WNCPSR May 20, 2016
Attendees, Robert Howarth, Steve Gilman, Brita Clark, Stan Dienst, Terry Clark, Phil Bisesi
Unable to attend: Dot Sulock
I.) Review and approval of minutes April 15, 2016
II.) Treasurers Report Balance: $2,548.87
III.) Business
Committee Reports: (full committee reports located on websites in Committee Reports Section)
-Executive Committee, Terry Clark reports, met 5/6/16 Terry Clark, Steve Gilman, Lew Patrie
Action: recommended and group voted to reaffirm definition of chapter membership recognized as an individual who has contributed to the chapter work or financial support in past 3 years. We decided to continue with the yearly $35 membership dues and to give members a reminder once twice yearly if dues are not current.
Committee recommends that we tie this year’s fundraising to an event in the fall.
Next executive committee meeting will be set for early June to proceed with planning for a speaker in the fall.
-Nuclear weapons committee, Bob Howarth reports, met 5 17 16, Bob Howarth, Lew Patrie, Terry Clark
Summary and highlights: (full committee report attached) Plan established for submission of guest editorials to newspapers on nuclear weapons related topics.
Noted that the report, “The Trillion Dollar Train Wreck” is a good resource on the US plans to spend $30 trillion on nuclear weapons. Action: post access to this report on our website.
Terry and Lew will look into becoming members of the Western NC Emeritus Medical Society.
-Membership Committee, Steve Gilman reports, met 5 17 16, Gilman, Clark.
Committee recommends that we revise our chapter brochure. Action: plan to revise our brochure. Terry will make a draft revision.
Committee recommends we have a form letter that can serve to facilitate follow-up with contacts. Action: Terry will make a draft
-Report on National Board meeting, May, 2016, Steve Gilman reports. Steve notes increased emphasis on climate change. Steve will assume a new leadership role with the national board concerning fundraising.
-Moral Monday in Sylva, planning update: Terry may have a schedule conflict. Plan: Terry and Phil will coordinate attendance and participation in Moral Monday, Sylva, NC on 6/13/16
-Next meeting, June 24th, 2016 (moved next month from the usual third Friday to the fourth Friday due to schedule conflict.
Next meeting: June 24th
Article about Mr. Obama’s positive talk yet lack of positive action re nuclear weapons, reviewed and recommended reading at this link:
opinion editorial in today’s New York Daily News,
Respectfully submitted,
Terry Clark
Nuclear Weapons Committee Report
The Nuclear Weapons Committee (NWC) met on May 17, 2016 and addressed the following agenda:
1. Guest article status – an article by Dr. Lew Patrie was sent to AVL Cit-Times on May 16 for publication later this month.
Future Focus – discussion on the theme/focus & scope of for the next 6 months. It was decided to emphasize topics of and candidate’s positions regarding costs of development, fabrication of, downsizing of & toxic waste disposition relatable to the nuclear weapons industry. Much pertinent information about these is contained in the newly published report The Trillion Dollar Trainwreck by the Alliance For Nuclear Accountability (ANA) available at .
Action: Bob H. will send out a proposed schedule to our Article Writers soliciting their support in implementing Future Focus - Dr. Terry Clark has agreed to write one article for this.
2. OREPA Update – The OREPA News of Feb. 2016 & Ralph Hutchison’s letter of March 30, 2016 were reviewed & provided information for this discussion. The letter appealed for financial support via donations to assist them in confronting the combined power of corporate money (Bechtel and Lockheed Martin) and entrenched political leaders (Tennessee Senator Lamar Alexander chairs the committee that controls funding for the attempted rebuilding of the stalled UPF). OREPA is engaged in a trip to Washingtoh D.C, for lobbying, organizing rallies, publishing newsletters, and preparing a legal challenge to stop them. Ralph Hutchison/OREPA was a significant contributor to writing the ANA’s TRILION DOLLAR TRAINWRECK .
3. The Trillion Dollar Trainwreck – we discussed this report.
Action: * Encourage Promulgation of this report via WNCPSR.ORG, personal emails, Guest Articles, Letters to Editor & word of mouth by all WNCPSR supporters.
4. The topic of “How to reach a persuadable poorly informed middle population re nuclear weapons “ surfaced in various ways in our discussions. Some possible means: * use of Facebook and /or Twitter as a tool, * Submit Opinion Articles and/or Letters to Editor to Hendersonville Times, * give a presentation to Western Carolina Medical Society.
Action: * consider hiring a young supportive user of Facebook and/or Twitter, *ask Dr. Stan Dienst re this, * Dr’s. Terry Clark & Lew Patrie indicated willingness to join The Emeritus Chapter of The Western Carolina Medical Society and work to deliver informative presentation to them.
Respectfully submitted – Bob Howarth.