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April 15, 2016

Minutes WNCPSR April 15, 2016

Attendees: Lew Patrie, Terry Clark, Brita Clark, Bob Howarth, Steve Gilman, Phil Bisesi
  Mary Olson, unable to attend

 I.    Review and approval on March 18 minutes

 II.    Treasurers report Lew Patrie, Balance, $1,683.96

 III.    Business:
-    Presentation by Stan Dienst on Global Climate Change at Servanthood House, 156 East Chestnut Street, this evening, Friday, 4/15/16, 5:00 PM Stan

-    Presentations, planned for Wednesday, 4 20 16 North Asheville Library by Mary Olson and Dianne D’Arrigo. Mary Olson will report on her speaking tour of Japan regarding health consequences of radiation. Diane D’Arrigo will report on prospective radioactive shipments through North Carolina.

-    Comment  to DOE at hearings in Atlanta and Oak Ridge, this week by Mary Olson

-     WNC/PSR Membership committee report Steve

-     PSR national report, comments by Steve Gilman who serves on the following national committees: Finance, Development and fundraising subcommittee of Executive Committee.  Steve

-     PSR board meeting next month, Steve will attend. Steve

-    Nuclear weapons committee: OREPA support Bob, Lew, Terry

-    Executive committee report, Medicaid reform hearing comment  Terry

-     Request for contribution from Rachel Bliss for WNC for Peace for an ad  Lew, Phil, Terry

Action suggestions from National PSR Office:
-       Tell Congress: "Stop wasting my tax dollars on nuclear weapons!" with a "take action" letter 

-    Send e-postcard, Let your family, friends & colleagues know that this is just one more way that climate change endangers human health. Print, send or post our latest e-postcard. It's the latest in a series we call "Climate Change Makes Me Sick."
 - Opportunities for a letter to the editor, to share specific information and increase the visibility of the climate-health connection. 

Possible outline:

• Reference an article in your local newspaper about the Climate and Health Assessment. If there wasn't one, suggest it was a missed opportunity to address an issue that affects us all.

• Select one climate-driven health effect that affects your part of the country. Briefly quote the report on how severe those health impacts are likely to be.

• Present your conclusion. Stress the need to stop climate change for the sake of health, safety and ultimately survival.

Flag the solution: clean, renewable energy to replace fossil fuels including coal and natural gas.

Please write your letter soon. And be sure and let Barbara Gottlieb know at  if it gets printed!

Next chapter meeting, May 20, 2016