December 19, 2014
Minutes, WNCPSR Steering Committee Meeting 12/19/14
Present: Lew Patrie, Steve Gilman, Phil Bisesi, Stan Dienst, Robert Howarth, Barbara Scott, Brita Clark, Terry Clark, Guest, Joe Malki, by phone
1. Approval of minutes of 11/21/14
2. Treasurers report, Lew Patrie
Beginning balance 10/ 17/ 14 $1,302.84
Deposits $914.25
Expenses $306.82
Ending balance 12 /19/ 14 $1910.27
-Climate Change, report by Stan Dienst
Stan will provide leadership on the Climate Change issue. He notes that an organized approach includes developing a presentation for public education and collaboration with organizations. PSR, national office is starting a program to facilitate chapters work on climate change. This includes webinars and Climate /health Action Teams (CHAT). Action: Stan will provide further plan. Other group members will work along with Stan. Obtain more info from Barbara Gottlieb, PSR.
- OREPA Project, report by Bob Howarth
-Guest editorial pending in Asheville Citizen Times on 12/21/14 on the planned US expenditures on nuclear weapons.
-Bob will present an update on the Uranium Processing Facility at Green Drinks on January 14, 2015
-Committee will meet prior to next month’s meeting for planning Humanitarian Consequences of Nuclear Weapons Campaign, Steve reports he will do more Rotary presentations.
Report: National Board meeting, Steve Gilman
See Steve’s report on our WNC/PSR website.
Steve highlighted four areas that the national board emphasized:
1.) Security, continue emphasis of PSR members doing presentations on the humanitarian consequences on nuclear war.
Continue attention to chapter development and coalition building to facilitate work on security issues
2.) Advance energy efficiency and clean energy to protect health of people as well as the entire planet.
3.) Consider how to develop chapter capacity to address 1 and 2 above.
4.) Increase membership to help address items 1 and 2.
Steve noted the PSR representatives have had productive communications with state department personnel as well as leaders in the faith community re working to decrease the risk of nuclear weapons.
-Discussion ensued re: faith groups in our community that we can communicate with for collaborative work on areas of shared interest such as reducing risk of nuclear weapons as well as climate change.
Action: information noted. We will continue to address security issues, offer to do a presentation at MAHEC
- Report: Green Drinks program on January 14th . Mary Olson and Robert Howarth will present. Topics are info re nuclear power facilities in the Southeast and update re the Uranium Processing Facility (UPF), Oak Ridge, TN. Action: Mary and Bob will present on 1 14 15, Phil and Terry will coordinate.
- Joe Malaki conferred with by phone, briefly. He is invited to our next meeting
- Report from Mary Olson, Mary unable to attend. Terry summarized a report by Mary re: the Humanitarian Consequences of Nuclear Weapons meeting in Vienna, Dec 8, 9. Mary delivered a presentation, as a representative of NIRS, to the conference, on the medical consequences of nuclear war, with emphasis on the disproportionate ill effects on women and children. The audience included representatives of 158 nations. Her presentation was well received.
Other speakers included diplomats, Hibakusha individuals, and a powerful written message from Pope Francis urging abolition of nuclear weapons. The meeting was productive and will lead to planning for the pending NPT conference in the springtime in NYC. Action: We congratulate Mary. Confer with Mary re scheduling an Asheville event of her Vienna presentation plus discussion.
Barbara Scott attended briefly and informed us about a recently started book discussion club. The first book is “Crisis Without End”, edited by Helen Caldicott. Action: learn time and dates of meetings from Barbara.
Next meeting: 1/16/15
Terry Clark