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May 9, 2014

Western North Carolina Physicians for Social Responsibility 
May 9, 2014

Present: Phil Besesi, Terry Clark, Stan Dienst, Steve Gilman, Bob and Erma Howarth,  Lew Patrie    and  Don Richardson

Treasurers Report:
Previous Balance  2287.00
Received   750.00 Semiannual Grant from National (“to grow our network)
Distributed  816.45  Travel in 2013 223.58 and in 2014 591.41
146.00  New Post Office Box*                                          Current Balance  2020.55  (+223.95 membership revenue)  = 2244.50

Steve Gilman is relinquishing the chapter’s secretarial duties. He will continue to serve as our representative to National PSR, reporting back to integrate our activity and goals with those of National PSR.

Pending Retreat: It is to be a picnic and working session at the Clarks home. (The date is to be decided). Please send items or issues that you suggest for the Agenda to Terry ( or call 828 633 0892.

Memorial service for Marilin Takaro, 4;00pm Saturday 5/10/2014. Lew and Terry plan to attend. There have been many, many contributions of the Takaro’s to PSR including the founding of our chapter in 1982.

Revision of WNCPSR’s business card with Terry’s phone number and updated Email. Stan will format the new card and submit it for your suggestions.

Green Drinks (coffee house)  An opportunity for PSR to present Wednesday programs (topics).

Question to be finally resolved --- Can topics be submitted to the Green Drinks “SteeringCommittee”  without the committee membership obligations or assessments. Also our own potential for participation was discussed. (If this is settled, we could be listed with some of our information on their widely distributed “Email List”).

Veterans for Peace National Conference July 23 – 27th at UNC Campus

I    WNCPSR message to the whole assembled group – Thursday pm – 90 minutes
II   Table secured, It should be manned and have signs ,posters, brochures and literature
Powerpoint Audio Visual promoting International Nuclear Weapons Convention / Stan
III  Three dozen focus meetings in separate rooms.  (Available?)

Further information about Admission fees and agenda /  John Spitzberg (local) and Shelly (National)

***** Ralph Hutchinson - famous and eloquent Coordinator of the “Oak Ridge Environmental Peace Alliance”

The OREPA sub-committee (Terry, Lew and Bob) are arranging for his coming to Asheville on May 29-30.

Tentative Agenda: (subject to being modified)

Thursday  -  Luncheon with PSR (UNCA)
Thursday (evening) A “Public Awareness Raising Program” at The United Church of Christ at 20 Oak St.
Friday am  - A follow-up discussion with Ralph and local supporters Re: UPF “Uranium Processing Facility”

Publicity: Inform and invite – Groups and individuals by Email, letter, Citizen Times, phone and person to person.

Respectfully Submitted,
Stan Dienst

*New Mailing Adddress for WNCPSR

Western North Carolina Chapter
Physicians for Social Responsibility 
P.O.Box 6689
Asheville, NC 28816

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