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October 17, 2014

Western  North  Carolina
Physicians For Social Responsibility

Chapter Meeting  October 17, 2014

At 1:10pm  It was noted that the Patrie-Howarth article on Mutually Assured Destruction published in the Citizen-Times is now on the web site together with a very favorable response from Louis Parrish of Swannanoa. A second Article on, ”Sharing the Oceans with China,” is to be reviewed at this meeting. A third will be written in December.

Executive Committee: No current report.

Nuclear Committee: Considered how to support Dot Sulock’s courses to be given in adult learning programs at different universities.

Our response to National PSR’s directive for local chapters to present programs on, ”The Humanitarian Consequences of Nuclear War,” during the current year. Steve Gilman reported on his recent contact with the editor of the Brevard newspaper. The editor published a substantial article on the consequences of nuclear war. Subsequently, Steve gave a (well-attended) slide presentation to the Brevard Rotary.

Outreach Committee
: (Phil, Terry, Steve and Mary)
The committee to plan for two presentations at Green Drinks over the next six months.

PSR National Security Committee (Our Board representative Steve Gilman reporting)

Monthly Phone conferences (Lew Patrie’s recent Presentation of the film, ”PAX AMERIACANA and The Weaponization of Space during “Keep Space for Peace Week,” was applauded)

Every six months – Conferences at the very well-appointed national PSR offices in Washington for presentations and organizational business.

Goals for our work on climate change in 2015 and beyond.

Final Review of the second Article being submitted to the Citizen-Times, “Sharing the Oceans with China.” It is an informed critique of the US military’s dangerous impractical strategy to contain China.  It was written by Stan Dienst with insightful additions by Bob Howarth and Lew Patrie and final approval by all members at the meeting. It was taken to the Editor at the Citizen-Times but may have to wait till after the midterm elections to be published.

Respectfully submitted, Stan Dienst

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