February 21, 2014
Present: Phil Bisesi, Brita Clark, Dr. Terry Clark, Brad Dienst, Dr. Stan Dienst, Steve Gilman, Bob Howarth, Irma Howarth, Barbara Scott, Dr. Lew Patrie, Dot Sulock
Lunch and refreshments began at 12 noon, and the business meeting followed at 12:30 pm.
1. The minutes drafted by Steve for our January 2014 meeting were approved.
2. Process for approving minutes each month: After the minutes are drafted, they are emailed to the meeting attendees, who have a four-day window to recommend corrections and changes. Once the feedback to the draft minutes is processed for possible inclusion, the final minutes are posted on wncpsr.org and are considered final and approved. If anyone would like to continue discussing items posted on our website, including meeting minutes, please consider bringing this up at a subsequent monthly meeting.
3. Treasury report: Our chapter has a balance of $2,185.35.
4. Bob presented a reimbursement poilicy for our chapter. The policy was discussed and there was consensus to approve it as-is. Here is the policy:
This proposal does not replace or supersede existing reimbursement policy on twice yearly approved National PSR board conferences and the annual National PSR Leadership Conference.
WNCPSR will reimburse authorized members representing itself for 50% of travel, housing, food and necessary literature expenses incurred in implementing PSR goals at meetings and seminars held more than 75 miles from Asheville, NC.
a) Advance authorization for expenses greater than $25 must be given by the Steering Committee, or in case of short notice by the Chair (limited to $50 reimbursement).
b) Sub-committees are authorized to spend up to $25 for items deemed supportive of their task. Materials, e.g. copy expenses, printer ink, paper and the like, are reimbursable at 100% of cost.
c) Expenses less than $25 not incurred as sub-committee work, but in keeping with WNCPSR goals, are reimbursable 100% upon approval of the Treasurer and the Chair.
d) A note explaining purpose of and receipts for expenses incurred must accompany request for compensation and be presented to the Treasurer.
5. Stan provided follow-up regarding the Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space newsletter (207) 443-9502. There was a brief discussion on each of the topics in the Winter / Spring 2014 newsletter. Three copies of the newsletter were made available to all meeting attendees. Stan encouraged us to share this newsletter with people we know.
6. There was a brief update provided regarding the three anti-nuclear weapons activists who were found guilty of trespassing and sabotoge in Oak Ridge, TN. Eighty-three year-old Megan Rice was sentenced to 35 months in prison, and the two others with her were sentenced to 5 years in prison.
7. The sub-committee for coalition coordination with Green Drinks and other groups plans to meet before our March 2014 meeting.
8. OREPA sub-committee, Terry Clark/convener, Lew Patrie, Bob Howarth met Feb. 7, 2014.
Current Status:
a) Letters Campaign
-- Invitational letter to supporters is drafted, not finalized.
-- A kickoff "Lead Article" is planned.
-- Bob is willing to manage responses from willing writers.
Next step: finalize invitational letter & send via WNCPSR supporters’ email.
b) Letters/Legislators:
-- Draft letter to congressmen (2 Senators, 2 House).
-- Draft letter to state legislators (2 senators, 3 House).
– Meet with legislator's aides every 2 or 3 months.
c) Events:
-- Ralph Hutchison visit (2 days and 2 nights). Discussed itinerary:
Session with WNCPSR core & supporters,
Meet with editorial committee Citizen-Times,
Public session, site candidates UNCA, UUCh, Jewish Center.
-- Dates for visit pending (depends on site, audience and Ralph availability.
Calender events information obtained re UNCA spring break, public and religious holidays.
Site inquiry, dependent on dates.
Housing overnights/Ralph, TBD.
9. Sub-committee liaison with Veterans for Peace (VFP).
A meeting of this sub-committee was attended by Lew (Convener), Barbara, and Bob on 2/21/2014.
* VFP National Convention dates - July 24-27, 2014 at UNCA Asheville.
* If application accepted by VFP we would likely be assigned a 90 minute time slot for our presentation. Simultaneous presentations by other presenters will be ongoing.
* There would be no fee for applying and presenting. The costs of our presentation (e.g. materials, brochures, speaker) would be ours.
* Various options for our presentation were discussed and held in abeyance until more specific information from VFP re theme of Convention and application information for presenters is clarified and made available.
* Next sub-committee meeting date is pending needed information.
10. Sub-committee for presenting Humanitarian Consequences of Nuclear War to Rotary, Red Cross and other local groups (Terry, Dot, Steve, Mary). All sub-committee members now have a recent and most current copy of the paper on which this presentation will be based. Currently researching other PSR chapters that have presented this in 2014.
11. Sub-committee for communicating Dot Sulock's “Nuclear Power, Nuclear Weapons, Nuclear Terrorism” course to National PSR audience. This course is now on the WNCPSR website! In addition, we are going through the process to get Dot Sulock on the PSR Leadship meeting agenda in May so that the benefits of this course can be presented in person to PSR leaders.
12. PSR National Board meeting will be May 7-8. The PSR National Leadership meeting will be May 8 - May 10.
13. Terry is developing a grant application proposal and will let us know if he needs our help.
14. Terry has about 200 WNC PSR contacts and may need our help to organize it in a database. Steve offered to help, if needed.
15. Steve completed a presentation on other possible WNC PSR sub-committees along with the benefits for each.
a) Event at MAHEC to recruit health physicians into WNCPSR. Most of our active chapter participants are not physicians. There was progress on planning this event last year; however, that work has now stalled.
b) Booth at Green Living Expo to communicate what and who we are (WNC/PSR). We had over 200 signatures with contact information as a result of a petition we circulated. This is a recruitment activity and helps define who we are to Western NC.
c) Meet with our legislators. Terry, Brita and Bob expressed interest.
d) Membership / Outreach sub-committee. Update our brochure, which can then be available at our meetings and events. Follow up with guests at our meetings and events. Terry, Stan, Phil and Bob expressed interest.
16. Each sub-committee may want to consider having conference calls at times as an alternative to face-to-face meetings. PSR National has been using a free conference call service successfully for many years, and I highly recommend it as well. Go to www.freeconferencecall.com for details. Steve has a free conference call number and can help others obtain one as well.
Each sub-committee can choose someone to provide a brief report at our monthly WNC/PSR meetings.
Next meeting: 12:00 pm Friday, Mar. 21, 2014 at the home of Steve and Beth Gilman (18 Birchwood Lane, Asheville).
Submitted by Steve Gilman, WNC/PSR chapter secretary